2020 List of Free Speech Social Media and Video Platforms

Free speech is under attack which is why new free speech platforms are so important now.


The war on free speech by big tech companies has been going on for years, but more recently, their censorship campaign has increased dramatically. The suppression of free speech is done under the guise of ” keeping us safe from dangerous information,” but there can be no doubt it’s rooted in ideology. Conservatives, libertarians, and free thinkers in general that post information not aligned with the corporate media’s official narrative are routinely demonetized and censored while progressive users are promoted.

Even certified medical professionals who disagree with the narrative are censored. Censorship is becoming a serious threat to independent thought. This censorship is leaving the masses with a sanitized scripted version of a false narrative meant to control us. Here are some of the best free speech, social media, and video platforms for 2020.

Related: Who Gets to Decide What The Truth Is – and Why Censorship Is Backfiring on Big Tech Media


We promote independent media that are being suppressed, censored, or just not widely known. Vision Launch Media does not necessarily endorse the views of the media we promote, but we find censorship completely unacceptable. We think people are mature enough to hear all the information and form their own opinion.

We strongly believe in free speech and we wish to cultivate critical thought by making it easy to find information that is not discussed in the national conversation. Liberty cannot exist without free speech and the free-flow of information. With that said, please use your own discernment, do your own research, and question everything. Nothing is as it seems.




BitChute aims to put creators first and provide them with a service that they can use to flourish and express their ideas freely.




Brighteon is a free speech video platform sponsored by Natural News .




The most banned videos on the internet.


ISE Media

There is an illusion of a free marketplace for ideas and debate in American and global media, when in fact powerful platforms are deciding which thoughts, ideas and messages the public will be allowed to hear, discuss and debate. Isegoria aims to solve big tech’s deplatforming, demonetizing and silencing of quality independent journalists and entertainers by building ISE Media, a platform where content creators can share their work without fear of censorship and where media users have a space to discuss facts and ideas freely.

The ISE Media platform was launched in July 2020 to create a space that delivers unbiased, unfiltered information, and is committed to making the media industry radically transparent. As development progresses, ISE Media will be featuring more original content including documentaries, shows, video podcasts, news programming and more, creating a platform unlike any the world has seen. See what ISE.Media is building by clicking here.




Create and explore on a platform that values authentic content and the honest exploration of ideas. We’re here to host the writing, eBooks, podcasts, videos, films, art, and events that enrich and elevate our collective discourse.




Minds is an open-source and decentralized social network for Internet freedom, where users earn crypto tokens for their contributions to the network. The tokens can be exchanged for more views on content or sent to other channels as a tip or paid subscription. We’re built on a foundation of privacy, transparency, and free expression.




A People’s Marketplace: LBRY is the first digital marketplace to be controlled by the market’s participants rather than a corporation or other 3rd-party. It is the most open, fair, and efficient marketplace for digital goods ever created, with an incentive design encouraging it to become the most complete. At the highest level, LBRY does something extraordinarily simple. LBRY creates an association between a unique name and a piece of digital content, such as a movie, book, or game. This is similar to the domain name system that you are most likely using to access this very post.




At Gab, we believe that the future of online publishing is decentralized and open. We believe that users of social networks should be able to control their social media experience on their own terms, rather than the terms set down by Big Tech. Gab Social is a fresh take on one of the Internet’s most popular applications: social networking. Originally forked from the Mastodon project, Gab’s codebase is free and open-source, licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPL3).

As a result, you, the user, have a choice when using Gab Social: you can either have an account on Gab.com, or, if you don’t like what we’re doing on Gab.com or simply want to manage your own experience, you can spin up your own Gab Social server that you control, that allows you to communicate with millions of users on their own federated servers from around the world, including users on Gab. Gab.com strives to be the home of free speech online. We work on Gab Social 100% of the time as our full-time jobs. We positively encourage you to either join us on Gab.com or to spin up your own Gab Social server that you control to help take back control of the Web for the People.




It’s your show. Share your world online your way, by your rules. You own your content. You control your interactions. You design your level of privacy. MeWe is where you can be your authentic self, the way you are in your real life. MeWe challenges the status quo by making privacy the foundation of online social experiences. MeWe does not share or sell your personal information to advertisers or marketers. There are no ads, no targeting, no newsfeed manipulation and NO BS! Share content only with those you wish to see it. It’s your online life, with trust, control, privacy and safety.




Parler is a non-biased free speech-driven entity. Our goal is to offer the world a platform that protects user’s rights, supports publishers, and builds online communities. Parler aims to empower users to control their social experience. Users can be responsible to engage content as they see fit. We are not regulators. We are not governors. We are a community. Parler accepts your right to express your thoughts, opinions, and ideals online. Just like in society, Parler interactions are subject to guidelines; and when you respect them, you are free to participate wholly.




The Free Speech Library is a new bookstore with a global reach. The site was launched to the public in July 2019. The company is making a huge effort to create an alternative to the multinational bookstores, which every so often ban “politically incorrect” and “controversial” authors and publishers. – It has become an increasing problem for authors and publishers to distribute their books. When Amazon and other major online stores continue to purge titles, we need to find other solutions, says Stefan Jacobsson, one of the initiators of the Free Speech Library.

 The idea behind the Free Speech Library is to create a platform were you can find books that others have banned and censored, as well as books that are at risk of being banned in the future, because of who has published it or who the author is.  – We are ready to distribute books worldwide. Our team has many years of experience in book distribution, and our customers can count on both excellent service and full discretion. We currently have more than 300 titles in stock – a number that is growing every month, says Stefan.

 With the launch of the Free Speech Library, publishers need no longer rely on, nor refer prospective buyers to, Amazon and similar sites in order to get their books into the customer’s hands. Instead they can refer to the bookstore that actually appreciates Freedom of Speech and is willing to fight for it. They need not worry about censorship or large book purges, instead they can focus their time and efforts on producing books and spreading ideas.



Free Speech Alliance

The Free Speech Alliance protects the free speech of conservatives online. We fight for transparency on social media and demand equal footing for conservatives on Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other platforms. We defend the incredible and revolutionary ideal of free speech in which American democracy is rooted. We actively work with tech companies to ensure that they are protecting conservative speech online and that the radical left does not contaminate the national online dialogue with their bias. The Alliance is calling on social media companies to address four key issues in order to begin to rectify their credibility problem and rebuild trust with conservatives:

1) Provide Transparency: We need detailed information so everyone can see if liberal groups and users are being treated the same as those on the right. Social media companies operate in a black-box environment, only releasing anecdotes about reports on content and users when they think it necessary. This needs to change. The companies need to design open systems so that they can be held accountable while giving weight to privacy concerns.

2) Provide Clarity on ‘Hate Speech’: “Hate speech” is a common concern among social media companies, but no two firms define it the same way. Their definitions are vague and open to interpretation, and their interpretation often looks like an opportunity to silence thought. Today, hate speech means anything liberals don’t like. Silencing those you disagree with is dangerous. If companies can’t tell users clearly what it is, then they shouldn’t try to regulate it.

3) Provide Equal Footing for Conservatives: Top social media firms, such as Google and YouTube, have chosen to work with dishonest groups that are actively opposed to the conservative movement, including the Southern Poverty Law Center. Those companies need to make equal room for conservative groups as advisers to offset this bias. That same attitude should be applied to employment diversity efforts. Tech companies need to embrace viewpoint diversity.

4) Mirror the First Amendment: Tech giants should afford their users nothing less than the free speech and free exercise of religion embodied in the First Amendment as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court. That standard, the result of centuries of American jurisprudence, would enable the rightful blocking of content that threatens violence or spews obscenity, without trampling on free speech liberties that have long made the United States a beacon for freedom.

The Free Speech Alliance is made up of more than 60 organizations and individuals who oppose the silencing of conservative voices on social media. Members of the Free Speech Alliance are not affiliated with MRC and the MRC does not endorse any of the positions or opinions of the other members of the FSA.




Vision Launch Media

Vision Launch Media is your gateway into the world of alternative media. We are a curated discovery platform for free-speech and independent thought.

We use alternative sourced information and original content to increase public awareness of crucial issues. Our goal is to help neutralize the corporate media’s dominance over our culture & our nation’s collective consciousness.

At Vision Launch Media, we do not claim to know the “truth” or have all the answers. We simply make information more readily available so people can do their own research and come to their own conclusions.

We have three websites that promote or are linked to hundreds of other alternative media sites, most of which are being suppressed in one form or another.

VLM Website VLM News Feed  —Speed The Shift News