2020 List of Top Q-Anon Researchers, Autists & Resources


Where We Go 1 We Go All- #WWG1WGA

In the last several years, the Qanon movement has exploded in popularity. Here is a list of relevant researchers, influencers, and resources within the Q movement. To our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive list on the internet. The description of each researcher is in their own words taken from their respective websites and social media channels. Some of the channels are more active than others but we listed them all.


We promote independent media that are being suppressed, censored, or just not widely known. Vision Launch Media does not necessarily endorse the views of the media we promote, but we find censorship completely unacceptable. We think people are mature enough to hear all the information and form their own opinion.

We strongly believe in free speech and we wish to cultivate critical thought by making it easy to find information that is not discussed in the national conversation. Liberty cannot exist without free speech and the free-flow of information. With that said, please use your own discernment, do your own research, and question everything. Nothing is as it seems.

Joe M

Description: Humans do not naturally exist in a state of conflict. They become so when deliberately set against each other by the evil few that seek to control us all.

GabBitchute Youtube



Praying Medic

Hi, I’m Praying Medic. You may be wondering who I am, so let me give you a short biography: Prior to the year 2000, I was an atheist. I had an encounter that year with Jesus that gave me a renewed sense of purpose. Eight years later, God appeared to me in a dream and said He would heal my patients if I prayed for them. I didn’t believe in healing at the time, but I reluctantly began praying. Along the way, I stumbled upon some keys to operating in healing and miracles. In 2012 I began writing books. I’ve published several books a year since then. My most popular ones are the series “The Kingdom of God Made Simple”, which has become an Amazon bestseller. Thanks for dropping by!




In Pursuit Of The Truth

I am Sir Patrick Mack of Maplethorpe.
Purveyor of pursuititude.

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Welcome to RedPill78, home of RedPill News.  I bring you news and commentary, with a little bit of comedy.  I report on stories I find important and enjoy digging into interesting topics.

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And We Know

I am a retired Marine Corps broadcaster trying to bring positive videos into a very dark world. After several months of watching videos and television, my mind was constantly working on how to bring an EXPERIENCE to each viewer that I was actually hoping for in videos. My sons told me to stop talking about it and do it. It is easier said than done when you are working long hours, trying to start a new business. This Patreon was created with the mindset that maybe some folks would want to feel they are a part of something bigger, that they see what I see…not enough videos out there to “Enjoy the Show” as Q would say. Maybe I could make this a full-time life someday with your help. 





Our Mission? Q Post 3038 sums it up best:

“The Great Awakening (‘Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment). WWG1WGA!!!“




Where We Go 1 We Go All

Red Pilling the Masses with some fun edits mixed in too.

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Dustin Nemos

Dustin Nemos is a freedom-maximalist, Voluntaryist, Autodidact Polymath, Husband, Father, Entrepreneur, Farmer, Trend Watcher, Avid Researcher and hobbyist Economist, holistic researcher, Philosopher, And Political Talking Head. His main goals are – Be a good dad, be a good person, be free, and destroy evil with logic, evidence, reason, and compassion.

WebsiteBitchute Youtube Twitter



Jordan Sather – Destroying The Illusion

AGENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS EVOLUTION. Jordan Sather is a nationally renowned educator, filmmaker, YouTube influencer, speaker, and inspiration to thousands of people wanting to become stronger, more conscious versions of themselves. In doing his part to assist in the Great Awakening of humanity, he has amassed hundreds of thousands of subscribers and millions of content views on the internet through his Destroying the Illusion brand, sharing his vision of raising self-knowledge and empowerment, mental and physical strength, and higher consciousness in society.

Website YouTubeTwitter



WGA Research Channel

The Q Phenomenon: A Unique American Story

What if the world around us is not as we know it? What if popular books, movies and television shows give us a glimpse of the way the world really is rather than being mere fiction? What if our every move is tracked like in The Truman Show? What if we are in a fight for our lives like in The Hunger Games? What if Eyes Wide Shut is how the elite really behave? What if Hal from 2001 A Space Odyssey already exists? What if 1984 is closer to reality than you think? What if everything and everyone in the world is in an epic fight against good and evil? If The Matrix was real, would you take the red pill or would you choose not to know?




Neon Revolt

Neon Revolt, author of the popular website NeonRevolt.com and over five hundred articles discussing Q, delivers the most definitive book on QAnon in the world. Revolution Q is a mind-bending survey of the Q movement written by one of the most qualified voices in the Q space to date. Drawing on his skills as a master storyteller, Neon brings the reader straight into the front lines of the information war that is currently raging on all around. This is a war between two factions: Patriots, whose only allegiance is to Life and Truth, and the Cabal, an ad hoc network of sinister fiends desperate to maintain control over the masses, and who will do whatever it takes to stay in power. What emerges from all this all is a portrait of a struggle unlike anything humanity has ever known; a struggle between Light and Dark, between the highest Good and terrifying Evil few can truly comprehend. Revolution Q is fearless gonzo journalism on steroids, and Neon weaves a tale so startling as he tears at the roots of this great and hidden evil, one might be tempted to think this all lies firmly in the realm of fiction. But the truth, once known, can not be un-known. And by the end of it all, the reader will be as hungry and motivated for justice as Neon and the countless brilliant Anons who see Q for precisely what it is: the single greatest Military Intelligence operation of all time!




QANON Research Channel

Welcome to my Channel🙏

You found my channel most likely not by accident. You are in the proces of waking up to the reality we live in and you are exploring and searching to find answers to your fundamental questions and most important you want the TRUTH.

My Channel is all about researching and investigation. I post daily new video’s that can help you to better understand how the world is being ruled and i breaking down topics like: corrupt systems, key players, historical backgrounds, geopolitics, mind control, deep state, power structures, puppet masters, evil luciferian satanistist believes, symbolism, financial systems, secret societies, Q anon movement, documentaries, corruption, MSM, New world order and many more.

I don’t get any money out of this. All i want is waking people up, expose the truth and educate humanity. I hope you will join the movement and become a part of it.

For Truth, humanity, unity, love, peace, justice, god & country

God Bless,




Lisa Mei CrowleyThe Meitryx

Welcome to My “All Things Q” Page

With the very real probability that many of us may soon be booted off all major social media sites, I created this page to provide Q-related links and other important resources to help awaken those who are still asleep. As news breaks in the coming days, weeks, & months we will be able to link back to an increasing number of past Q drops. This should help those on the fence realize this Q operation is 100% legit and that those on the team serve at the pleasure of our Commander-in-Chief. Future WILL prove past. WWG1WGA!




McAllister TV – Linda Paris

MAGA PATRIOT!!! Contributer “Q ANON: An Invitation To The Great Awakening.” Veteran television producer, animator, art director, and writer.




Justinformed Talk

Description: The independent media has overthrown the established MSM doctrine. JustInformed Talk aims to inform and enlighten the audience by publicly airing his opinion for the community at large to create a forum for a positive discussion. JustiInformed Talk will opine the rhetoric necessary to counter the mass media’s artificial narrative through sarcasm, tactile humor, and incredible wit. JustInformed Talk is meant to be a political satire and an opinionated editorial review from a Christian Evangelist perspective. Hope you enjoy!




X22 Report

X22 Report is a daily show that will cover issues surrounding the economic collapse. All our reports and Daily Alerts are backed up by source links. I work very hard to bring you the facts and I research everything before presenting the report. The X22 Report is “one man’s opinion”. Anything that is said on the show is for information purposes only.  




Truth and Art TV

About TruthAndArtTV.com: The purpose of this site is to offer some simplification to the pursuit of truth about the political world we live in with the hope of facilitating the inevitable global awakening the world is headed toward. This site does not claim to offer end-all proof and explanations to all the issues, but it offers information for you to look up and see the big picture of global corruption and the plan by the deep state to overthrow the sovereignty of Nation States as well as the individual so that THEY (the globalist) can have eternal unchallenged power over all of humanity.




Blessed To Teach

Description: Empowering Christian Patriots with Truth. Qanon Posts, Qanon News, Qanon Related Prophesies. I love to teach because I get “blessed” when teaching as it forces me to learn more and dive deeper into the content. Therefore, I am “Blessed To Teach” not as I feel I have a special gift, but because God truly blesses me through forcing me to learn more! 🙂

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Citizens Investigative Report

We are citizen journalists. We report what the main stream media won’t. If you would like to contribute to our blog please contact us today.




The Great Awakening

It is important for the citizens of our country to realize how close we were to losing our Republic.  This is not a Democratic or Republican issue.  That is just a way to divide us and keep us fighting among ourselves. We need to unite as a nation.  We need to stand up for Christian values, restore our families, restore our education system, and restore our justice system.  Each of us has a role to play, in our homes, schools, and communities. First, we must become educated.  It is the patriotic duty of every American citizen to research for themselves and find the truth.  Q’s crumbs just tell us where to go and look.  



Conspiracy No MoreUltimate Q Proofs 1

Got popcorn?  Enjoy this feature-length presentation which compiles many of the “coincidences” which verify the connection between QAnon and President Trump.



Dark to Light & Serial Brain2

Dark to Light — Youtube

SerialBrain2 — Reddit



James Red-Pills America

This is YouTube’s ULTIMATE RED PILL & PRO-TRUMP CHANNEL! My mission here is to educate the masses as to the reality of the world in which we live today. The focus of my channel is to concentrate on dispelling myths, while laying bare the sordid lies which are intricately woven into a blinding and all-encompassing web of deceit. Most people don’t even realize they’re living in a pre-fabricated world, controlled by a select few seemingly all-powerful forces, like the Banksters, the Rothschilds and George Soros.




Entheos Shines

Description: Since 2008 we have provided intel & stories for Patriot, Conservative, Pro-Israel, Pro-Military, Independent, Political, Christian & other news outlets. We are not a “news organization” but rather intel providers; we are where the story begins. Over the past 12+ years, we’ve provided tips/information on stories to news outlets and journalists behind the scenes that have eventually made it to the Drudge Report over 231+ times. We have numerous ways of transmitting the information and go to great lengths to protect our methodology. This YouTube channel will mainly focus on macro events, entertaining, supporting our President, and hopefully inspiring people to action. Follow us on Twitter and Gab for daily breaking news and intel from us and from others we trust. Our mission statement simply is (Ephesians 5:11).

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CJTruth on Twitter



SheepKnowMore on Twitter


Where to Find Q Drops

Q Research (8Kun)




Qanon Archives

Learn to Read the Map


How to Decipher Q Drops

Here is a tool to help decipher the initials & codes of Q posts made by James Red-Pills America:

[ ] Kill Box – contained, targeted or dead
+ – Soros family
++ – Rothschild family
+++ – House of Saud
18 = R /BHO
187 – police code for Murder
23 – symbolizes the Trump & Q dynamic
32 – symbolizes the Skull & Bones dynamic. (This is a silent war between 23 / 32 a financial war), also a Masonic level.
322 – The Order of Skull & Bones, The Brotherhood of Death (read up on Anthony Sutton and his research)
4,10,20, 42 & 45- DJT, Donald J. Trump 
5:5 – Good/Excellent – Loud and Clear on target.
5D Network = 54 network in opposition to POTUS (mirror).
D5 – Most Destructive Avalanche (See F9/Falcon 9)
F9/Falcon9 – An algorithm used by FB. Metadata Collection. (See D5 and combine the two)
@kingjames – LeBron James – 
ADAM RESEARCH PROJECT – The Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences. UFO research
ADM R / Adm II – Admiral Rogers, Director of NSA
AF1 – Air Force 1, POTUS plane
AG – Attorney General
Agenda 21 – UN initiated action plan or blue print to turn communities into a little soviet forcing American’s into cities for better control of the population. Now it is known as Agenda 2030
AJ – Alex Jones / Infowars – Taken down from FB & Youtube to get at Qanon movement.
AL – Al Franken, Senator of Minnesota
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – Socialist – NY – Won election from the Dem’s.
Alice and Wonderland -HRC ? and the Bloody Saudi Arabia
Alice – Q
AM/#1 – Angela Merkel
AM/#2 – Andrew McCabe – FBI
AM.#3 – Allison Mack Smallville actress and NXIVM sex cult recruiter.
ANON(s) – Anonymous – Includes everyone motivated in researching, promoting, and sharing Q information especially those on 8chan.
ANTIFA – Anti-Fascists, Soros backed domestic terrorists
AR – Amanda Renteria – She is the bridge between LL / HRC.
ARKANCIDE – People associated with the Clinton’s in some form or another that died.
AS – Adam Schiff also Antonin Scalia
ASF – Apache Software Foundation
ATL – Atlanta, state capital of Georgia
AUS – Australia
AUTIS – 8chan analysist – the brightest researchers dedicated to Q crumbs, also known as Bakers
AW – Anthony Weiner
AWAN, Imran – of Pakistan hired by Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Former IT aide to congressional Democrats during Obama Administration. 
BAKERS – 8chan analysist (see AUTIS).
BC – Bill Clinton
BDT – Bangladeshi Takka (currency)
Beebo, Richard Russel – Ground Service Agent that hijacked the Q400 Alaskan airline.
Beta – A program. CIA targeted assassination known as Iron Hand. Mentioned in Q post re: MD shooter.
BHO/HUSSEIN/Renegade – Barack (Hussein) Obama, Renegade (traitor) was his USSS codename.
BIS – Bank for International Settlements
BLM – Bureau of Land Management
Blue Wave – Democrats
BOB – Robert Mueller former Director of FBI
BO – Barack Obama also Board Owner
BO – Bruce Ohr – See Nellie Ohr.
BOD – Board of Directors
BP – Border Patrol
BP – Bill Priestap – FBI
Brand of Sacrifice – A brand. The lives of those who bare the brand to feed the life of new Child of Darkness. 
Brock Dorsey – Journalist who referenced Q.
BUZZF – BuzzFeed
C-INFO – Classified information
CA – Canada also California
CBTS – Calm Before the Storm
CC – Chelsea Clinton
CDM – Cheryl D Mills, legal adviser to HRC
CEO – Chief Executive Officer
CF – Clinton Foundation
CFR – Council on Foreign Relations
Clowns/Clowns In America/C-A – CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
CIA – Central Intelligence Agency
Clas1-5 – Classified “items” 1 through 5
CM – CodeMonkey, 8chan Administrator
CM – Cheryl Mills
COC or CoC – Chain of Command
COMMS – Communications
Conspiracy – 1. a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful, “a conspiracy to destroy the government”. 2. the action of plotting or conspiring.
COS – Chief of Staff
CORSI – Jerome Corsi author and youtube blogger. Affiliated with Infowar”s Alex Jones and CIA.
CSF – Cerebral Spinal Fluid
CS#1 – Chuck Schumer 
CS#2 – Christopher Steele
CS#3 – Civil Service
CTR – Correct the Record
D / D’s – Democrats
DACA – Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – 2012 aka Dreamers
DARPA – The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is an agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military.
DC – District of Columbia
Dead Cat Bounce – Stock market term. A short recovery after a stock market drop
DEEP DREAM – Twitter – A computer vision program which uses a convolutional neural network to enhance patterns in images creating a dream like hallucinogenic appearance. Code name: Inception
DEW – Direct Energy Weapon
DHS – Department of Homeland Security
DI – Directorate of Intelligence
DJT/POTUS – Donald J. Trump, President of The United States
DML – Dennis Michael Lynch – former fox news contributor
DNC – Democratic National Committee
DOD – Department of Defense
DOE – Department of Energy
DOJ/D-J – Department of Justice
DONOGHUE – Richard Donoghue – NY Eastern District US Attorney
DOPEY – Alwaleed bin Talal
DORSEY – @JACK – Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey
DWS – Debbie Wasserman Schultz (DNC)
E – Eagle – Bill Clinton Code name
EBS – Emergency Broadcast System
EG – Evergreen – Hillary Code name
EH – Eric Holder
EM – Elon Musk
EMP – Electromagnetic Pulse
EMS – Emergency Messaging System, also Emergency Medical Services
EMMY – Emmy Awards aka ME = Middle East
EO – Executive Order
EP – Erik Prince – Ex Navy Seal
EPA – Environmental Protection Agency
ES – Eric Schmidt & Eric Sneiderman (NY AG)
ES – @Snowden
EU – European Union
F&F – Fast and Furious (Feinstein’s failed gun sale attempt)
f2f – Face-to-Face
FB – Facebook
FBI/F-I – Federal Bureau of Investigation
FE – Flat Earth
FED – Federal Reserve 
FF – False flag
FI/EY or FVEY – Five Eyes – Surveillance (Aus/Can/NZ/UK/US)
FISA – Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
FISH – Forensic Information Scanning Hub (criminal investigation software)
FLYNN – Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor to President Trump
Follow the money – It’s always about the money
FOP – Friend of Pedophile
FOIA – Freedom of Information Act
Forbidden City – Imperial Palace in Beijin, China
FTC – Federal Trade Commission – “The FTC’s competition mission is to enforce the rules of the competitive marketplace — the antitrust laws. These laws promote vigorous competition and protect consumers from anticompetitive mergers and business practices.”
GCR – Global Currency Reset
GDP – Gross domestic product – A monetary measure of the market value of all final goods and services 
produced in a period of time to determine the economic performance of a whole country or region, and to make international comparisons.
GE – Globe Earth
Gematria Code – Decoding comms using numbers to letters as it corresponds to the alphabet and vice a 
versa. Q = 17th letter of the alphabet etc.
GEORGE – GS – George Soros – Soros takes orders from P = Pope
GEOTUS – God Emperor of the USA
GER – Germany
GITMO – Guantanamo Bay Naval Base military prison and detention camp
GOOG – Google
Greenpeace Environmental Group – Paraglider – a non-governmental organization. Banner read: Trump
well below par #resist (In Gematria code it translates the messenger as 322 = Skull & Bones Society
GS – George Soros
H – Haiti or Hawaii
HA/Huma – Huma Abedin HI – Hawaii
HAM Radio – Amateur radio for the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless communications.
HASPEL, GINA –CIA director
HK – Hong Kong
HLR – Harvard Law Review
H.R.5181 – Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016 – The BILL that opened the door for TWITTER, FB, GOOG, etc. to CENSOR & CONTROL.
H.R. 5515 – National Defense Authorization Act – includes the largest pay increase, support for military families and investing in military readiness.
HRC – Hillary Rodham Clinton
HS – Homeland Security
HUMA – Harvard University Muslim Alumni
Hussein – Barack Obama
H-wood – Hollywood
IBOR – Internet Bill of Rights
IC – Intelligence Community
ID/IDEN – Identification
INSCOM – US Army Intelligence and Security Command
IRS – Internal Revenue Service
ISIS – Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
JA – Julian Assange (Wikileaks)
@JACK – Jack Dorsey (Twitter CEO)
James Gunn – Director of Guardians of the Galaxy fired for tweeting pedo including occult & Illuminati 
related messages and symbols
JB#1 – Jeff Bezos (Amazon)
JB#2 – Joe Biden
JB#3 – John Brennan, Former CIA Director
JB – James Baker – FBI
JC#1 – James Comey – FBI former Director
JC#2 – James Clapper (Former DNI Director)
JC – John Carlin
JC – Josh Campbell – FBI
JFK – John Kennedy, former President of the USA before being assassinated 11/22/63
Jim Jordan – US Representative of Ohio (Republican)
JK – John Kerry also Jared Kushner
Jochua Adam Schulte – Ex-CIA worker, charged with 13 counts of leaking classified info & possessing 
child porn. (Vault7 – CIA hacking tools)
John Dowd – Form WH Trump attorney
JOHNNY – John Conyers, US Representative for Michigan
JP – John Podesta
JR – James Rybicki – FBI
JQ – Jewish Question
JS – John Solomon
KC – Kevin Clinesmith – FBI
Keith Raniere – NXIVM/DOS – Leader of sex cult also known as Vanguard.
KEK – Same as LOL in Korean, also a satirical religion with frog headed god used to troll liberals with memes.
KKK – Ku Klux Klan, started by the D’s
KSA – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
L – Lynn de Rothschild
Lanny Davis -Previous Clinton attorney and Michael Cohen’s current attorney.
LARP – Live Action Role Playing. Not real, a fake, not to take seriously.
LDR – Lord De Rothschild
LL – Loretta Lynch, AG
LP – Lisa Page – FBI. Peter Strzok’s lover
LPC – Lucifarian Pedophile Cabal
LV – Las Vegas
M16/SIS – UK Secret Intelligence Service
M – Marines
MA – Michael Avenatti – Stormy Daniel’s lawyer
MACRON, Emmanuel Macron President of France
MAY. Theresa – Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
MB – Muslim Brotherhood
MC_1 – McCain Institute
Melissa Hodgman – Peter Strzok’s wife – Sec. Exchange Commission Director, promoted hours after FBI 
found HRC’s emails on Weiner’s laptop.
MERKEL, Angela – Chancellor of Germany, rumored to be Hitler’s daughter
MI – Military Intelligence
Michael Cohen – Previous Trump lawyer
Midyear/Midyear Exam – DOJ’s Clinton investigation code name.
MK – Michael Kortan – FBI
MK Ultra – Mind Control programs
ML – Marshal Law
MM – Media Matters also Million
MM – Mary McCord
MOAB – Mother of All Bomb(s)
MOSSAD / MOS – a national intelligence agency of Israel. (known as HaMossad leModiʿin uleTafkidim
MS – Michael Steinbach – FBI
MS-13 – Latino Drug Cartel
MSM – Mainstream Media, Fake News
MW – Maxine Waters
MZ – Mark Zuckerberg (FB)
NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement 
NDA – Non-disclosure Agreement
Nellie Ohr – the wife of 2X’S demoted Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr. She worked at Fusion GPS 
when the firm was working for the Clinton presidential campaign compiling the controversial anti- Trump Russian dossier.
NG/NAT G/ – National Guard
NGO – Non-governmental Organization are usually non-profit and sometimes international organizations independent of governments and international governmental organizations that are active in humanitarian, 
educational, health care, public policy, social, human rights, environmental, and other areas to effect changes according to their objectives.
Nicholas Rasmussen – Former Director of National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). He has ties to McCain Institute.
NK/NORK/NOK – North Korea
NO – Noah Oppenheim – Wrote “Jackie” and President of NBC News
NORAD – North American Aerospace Defense Command (serves US and Canada)
No Name – John McCain
Nole Edward Remagen – Secret Service Agent in Scotland whom died protecting POTUS from paraglider (Greenpeace Environmental Group) from severe stroke 2 days later.
NP/NPO – Non-Profit also Nancy Pelosi
NSA/NO SUCH AGENCY – National Security Agency
NWO – New World Order
NYT – New York Times, American newspaper
OCCAM’S RAZOR – A principal that the simplest answer is usually correct.
OO – Oval Office
OP – Original poster also Operation(s)
Operation Broken Heart III – Refers to a part of a larger operation that connects to National Elite pedophile rings and may extend worldwide. Includes arrests of some major Hollywood players, political, white collar
professionals, a monk and other high ranking clergy members and more.
Operation Noble Eagle – Military response to terrorist attacks in North America.
OS/OSS – Office of Strategic Services
Paul Combetta – of Platte River Networks. HRC’s computer specialist who deleted Clinton emails.
Payseur – Elite bank family / Pawlenty 
PB – Preet Bharara – NY attorney, fired for not quitting under the Obama administration.
P / [P] – Pope also C – Chair (Chair serves Master. Master is Rothschild?) (Francis Jorge Mario Bergoglio)
PER – Pedo Enabler
P_PERS – President Trump’s Personal message to us
PG – Pizzagate/Pedogate
PICL – Presidential Intelligence Check List
PICKLE – (Check Factory) Hienz and JFK?
PL – Presidential Library
PM – Prime Minister of UK – David Cameron, pre July 2016, Theresa May post July 2016
PnP – Drug fueled sex
Pocahontas – nickname given by DJT to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass), claims to have native American heritage.
POS – Piece of shit
POTUS – President of the US / Trump
PP – Planned Parenthood
PR – Pedo Resourcer
PRISM – code name for a surveillance program under NSA to collect internet communications from various US internet companies based on demands such as Google Inc. under Section 702 of the FISA 
Amendments Act of 2008. Prism began in 2007 in the wake of the passage of the Protect America Act under Bush Administration. Operates under US FISA court. Edward Snowden leaked its existence and 
reported June 6, 2013.
PS – Peter Strzok, FBI agent. Lisa Page’s lover
Q, Delta – Q Team plus Special Forces
Q+ – Highest ranking Q member(s), Q plus team
Q400 – Alaskan Bombardier aircraft
R – Renegade – BO code name also uses number 18 = 18th letter of alphabet R 
RE – R David Edelman
RL – Real Life &Rail Line
R’s – Republicans
RB – Rachel Brand
RBG – Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Assoc. Justice of Supreme Court.
RC – Rachel Chandler
RM – Robby Mook
RNC – Republican National Committee
RED RED – Red Cross
ROTH – Rothschild
RR – Rod Rosenstein (Deputy Attorney General) also Ronald Reagan
RT – Real time
RUDY – Rudy Giuliani – US attorney to President Trump
RYAN – Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House
SA – Saudi Arabia
SAP – Special Access Programs
Sarah Backus – Judge from NM. Released 3 Muslim Extremist that conducted school-shooting training of 
11 children. 1 was found dead. Judge ruled Jihadi suspects were not a threat.
SC#1 – Sleeper Cell
SC#2 – Supreme Court and Special Council
SD – State Department
SEC – Security also Secure
SECURITY CLEARANCE REVOKED – John Brennan. Trump expected to review revoking 9 other individuals, James Clapper, James Comey, Michael Hayden, Sally Yates, Susan Rice, Andrew McCabe,
Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Bruce Ohr.
SES – Senior Executive Services
SESSIONS – Jeff Sessions (Attorney General)
SFO – San Francisco Int’l Airport
SH – Steve Huffman, CEO of Reddit
SHILL – a person posing as an ally to decoy others into participating. (A plant or stooge) or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit or friendship or loyalty.
SID/We Don’t Say His Name/John M – John Sidney McCain
SIS – Secret Intelligence Service (in the United Kingdom)
SITU – Situation
SK – South Korea
SM – Sally Moyer – FBI
Sneiderman, Eric – Former NY attorney general. 
@Snowden – Edward Snowden
SNOW WHITE 7 DWARFS – 7 super computers & (Snow White is the Deep State operation involving the project Deep Dream 2 which uses Facebook, Google, YouTube (Social Media) to place the population into a 
“Dream State” to control us. Snowden developed it.) (the seven dwarfs are the names of the seven super computers which make up the Hammer system created by Clapper and Brennan to spy on citizens and support 
the Snow White operation.)
SNOW WHITE – Also refers to CERN (Down the Rabbit Hole)
SOCRATIC METHOD – A method of teaching by asking questions to invoke critical thinking, reason and logic.
SOROS, GEORGE – Hungarian American investor and businessman. 1 of the 13 bloodline families. Gives millions to left wing causes. Wants to curtail American sovereignty. Rigs elections.
SOTU – State of the Union
SP – Samantha Power, former US Ambassador to UN
Spy Activ – Spying activity
SR – Susan Rice also Seth Rich
SS – Secret Service
SSP – Secret Space Program (See US Space Force)
ST – Seal Team (eg. Seal Team 6)
Streisand Effect – A phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet.
SY – Sally Yates
Telecommunications Act of 1996 – was the first significant overhaul of telecommunications law in more than sixty years, amending the Communications Act of 1934. The Act, signed by President Bill Clinton, 
represented a major change in American telecommunication law, since it was the first time that the Internet was included in broadcasting and spectrum allotment. (Bill Clinton set the stage). A new Telecommunications Act may be on the way.
TG – Trey Gowdy
TG – Tanisha Gauhar – FBI
The Illusion of Choice – Reference to the 6 media giants (GE, Newscorp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, 
CBS) that control 90% of what we read, watch or listen to.
The Sherman Act – outlaws “every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade,” and any “monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize.”
TP – Tony Podesta
TRI – Trilateral Commission
TROLL – to upset or provoke (others) by posting such messages or comments.
TSA – Transportation Security Administration
TT – Trump Tower
U1 – Uranium One
UBL – Osama Bin Laden
UN – United Nations
US – United States
USMC – United States Marine Corps
USSS – United States Secret Service
US Senate Watergate Committee – known officially as the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, was a special committee established by the United States Senate, in 1973, to investigate the Watergate scandal, with the power to investigate the break-in at the Democratic National Committee
headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C., and any subsequent cover-up of criminal activity, as well as “all other illegal, improper, or unethical conduct occurring during the presidential 
election of 1972, including political espionage and campaign finance practices.
US Space Force – as the sixth branch of the United States Armed Forces.
Vault7 – CIA hacking tool
VJ – Valerie Jarret
Wetware / WW – Biological with hardware + software (Human), think cyborish
Wetworks – murder, human trafficking
WFA – World Federalist Association – Globalists
WH – White House
WHO – World Health Organization – part of the UN
Wizards/Warlocks – Good Guys/Military (Wizards – Navy NPU-2/Warlocks/Naval Research Lab Military Support Division ONE VXS-1)
WL – Wikileaks
WRWY – We are with you
WTO – World Trade Organization – part of the UN
WW – Worldwide or World War, Wetworks (Russian slang for murder)
X – Unclarified



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