5 Solutions to Factory Farming


Consuming animal meat has been an issue that has been debated about for decades. No matter which side of the fence you are on, it cannot be denied that animals are subjected to inhumane treatment when they are used for factory farming. This practice, also called as industrial animal agriculture, produces 78% of cattle, 99.9% of chickens, 95% of pigs, and 99% of turkeys sold in the United States. The animals in factory farms are placed in cramped living spaces, do not receive proper medical care, and are killed using brutal methods.

But is not only the animals who are suffering because of this food system. The environment and humans who consume factory farming products also suffer. Green house gas emissions and factory farm waste that seeps into water sources and soil are just some of the environmental impacts. Humans who eat meat coming from animals that have been injected with antibiotics and other chemicals increase their chances of getting cancer and other illnesses. So whether you are a vegan or a meat lover, the issue of factory farming must be a problem we should all help to solve.

Radical change will require movement from governments and industry giants. And we know that if we leave it up to those organizations, change will be slow or even non-existent. But as a concerned private citizen, you can also contribute to the movement with these simple ways.

1. Eat healthier

It may be difficult for everyone to go vegan, but you can improve the way you buy and consume food. You can lessen the amount of meat you consume and incorporate more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Buy food products that are grown ethically, humanely, and as much as possible, locally. Support your local farmers and markets.

2. Educate

Yourself, and your family and friends. Research and watch documentaries. If you have a blog or social media accounts, post about the issue. By informing more people about the truth, there can be more awareness and more concern, and hopefully, more action taken.

3. Sign petitions

One signature can lead to another, and eventually relevant petitions can gather the support of millions of people and get the attention of legislators, businesses, and the government.

4. Participate in local campaigns

If there are demonstrations, talks, or drives in your community, join them or show your support. You can help with information dissemination, volunteering, or campaigning for animal rights and welfare groups or local trade organizations.

5. Support farm animal sanctuaries

These sanctuaries provide care and rehabilitation for animals who are directly affected by factory farming. They also create learning environments and educational resources. Supporting them can help spread more awareness and push more action within the movement.

The factory farming industry may be a big challenge. But if everyone started taking small steps towards making changes, there can be a big shift that will be impossible for governments and businesses to ignore. We should never underestimate the power of a people who are educated, aware, concerned, capable, and inspired to demand change.