A Simple Guide to Launching a Kickstarter Project


If you’ve never spent time exploring Kickstarter, do so today. There are some amazing ideas and projects that can be found there right now. From comics to music to new technologies, the chance to try something new creates a shopping addiction that is 100 times better than checking out Amazon’s deals of the day [Sorry Amazon. It’s true.]. After spending some time looking at campaigns and even backing them, however, there comes a time when every entrepreneurial spirit wants to get involved on the receiving end of Kickstarter too.

How Do You Get Involved With Kickstarter?

Every business niche has a few things to learn that can only come from experience on Kickstarter. Even though more than $1 billion has been raised by this platform, the reality is that 6 out of 10 campaigns are going to fail. You’ve got to know who your audience happens to be in order to find success.

Men are on Kickstarter at a 3 to 1 ratio compared to women, which might make it seem like marketing products to men would be the best idea. It might not be. Women who are behind Kickstarter campaigns actually do better than men, despite being outnumbered. Men tend to support family, friends, and brands that they already support. Women tend to support other women.

Because it is a rewards-based platform, knowing your time frames for Kickstarter is essential. You might get several thousands supporters, so if you only give yourself 3 weeks for delivery, you could be hurting. The reputation you get on Kickstarter depends on the quality of your merchandise and how fast you respond to customers and feedback. Bad quality will always equal a bad Kickstarter experience.

It Takes a Lot of Work To Be on Kickstarter

Your project launches and you’re dreaming dreams of huge revenues, going viral, and having enormous possibilities in the palm of your hand. The reality is that those who experience the most success on Kickstarter are creating all of their good luck. They are marketing behind the scenes like crazy and going offline to generate support. If you just let your campaign stand out there and act on its own, it might pick up a little support – but it won’t get you funded.

You also need to tell your story. Be authentic. Don’t try to present your product in a way that your targeted demographics aren’t going to understand. If you are simple in your approach, can solve a specific problem, and do so for a good price, then you’ll have cracked the formula for Kickstarter success. A good video helps too because campaigns with videos tend to have double the chances of being funded.

Kickstarter is a lot of fun. It’s thoroughly addictive because you’re on the cutting edge of tomorrow’s technology today. Get involved, start your own campaign, and enjoy all of the good that your support and your campaign can do for the rest of the world.