Biometric Technology Pros and Cons

Although biometric technology has become very prevalent in the world today, it is not a new technology. It's actually be around for several decades...

11 Tips for Scientists Using Crowdfunding

[youtube] With a continuing decline of public funding sources available to scientists, crowdfunding has offered doors to seek financial support for technology and art...

3 Crowdfunding Trends To Watch For 2015

There are hundreds of crowdfunding platforms available today, so Kickstarter and Indiegogo aren't the only options that are available. Small businesses can raise large...

Positives and Negatives of Wind Energy

There are not many forms of low-pollution, renewable energy that exist in the world today. One of those forms that has been developed is...

3 Ways to Make Your Customers Want More

[youtube] A look at the importance of rewarding loyal customers to keep them coming back. These rewards will mentally stimulate your customer causing the...

Crowdfunding Is Not a Lending Institution

There are two issues that consistently arise in the world of crowdfunding: businesses use crowdfunding as one of their sole sources of capital and...

Positives and Negatives of Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is one of the most prominent sources of alternative energies that is available to generate power. It's often advertised as an environmentally...

Jerry Seinfeld’s Key to Being a Creative Genius

[youtube] James Clear, an Entrepreneur contributor, provides some clear insight into the creative genius to comedian Jerry Seinfeld. Seinfeld is known for illustrating many...

Crowdfunding Continue’s to Explode: What You Need To Know

Although the SEC has failed to deliver rules about Title III of the JOBS Act, the world of crowdfunding literally exploded in 2014. Coolest...

Nuclear Fission Energy Pros and Cons

Nuclear fission might just be the most controversial source of energy that we have on the planet today. When it is used properly, nuclear...

How the Laws Influence Entrepreneurs and Crowdfunding

[youtube] Startup businesses have been given a wealth of opportunity due to the Jobs Act of 2012, allowing small businesses to raise up to...

How the Costs of Crowdfunding Have Increased

In the beginning days of crowdfunding, it didn't take a whole lot to get a ton of cash. It could be as simple as...

Pros and Cons of Hydroelectric Dams

Water is one of the truly few renewable power resources that the world has today. Although water flows can alter themselves based on the...

What Successful Entrepreneurs Would Do Differently

[youtube] Vital information is shared by this group of entrepreneurs on what they would have done differently if they could turn back time and...

Is the SEC Trying to Save Crowdfunding?

Many backers have been disappointed by the delays that have occurred since the announcement of the JOBS Act in 2012. The goal was to...

Pros and Cons of Tidal Energy

The planet Earth is the amazing place that we all can call our home. It is filled with natural wonders that allow us to...

3 Big Tips to Dominate Indiegogo

[youtube] The lead of Indiegogo's Hardware, Design, and Technology from the United Kingdom, Anastasia Emmanuel discusses how to take your crowdfunding campaign to the...

The Power of the Woman Angel Investor

One of the greatest investment sources that remains virtually untapped right now by entrepreneurs are women angels. The ranks of this investment demographic have...

Pros and Cons of Offshore Drilling

Oil is one of the fundamental needs of the modern world. In the United States, millions of barrels of oil are consumed every day....

The 5 Success Factors of Online Funding

Using the internet as a funding resource is a great way to get startup capital that is needed. Crowdfunding is the major player in...