Nuclear Fission Energy Pros and Cons


Nuclear fission might just be the most controversial source of energy that we have on the planet today. When it is used properly, nuclear fission energy can become a powerful resource that can power many homes. When it is used for violence, however, massive weapons can be created that could potentially destroy the entire world. By examining the pros and cons of nuclear fission, we can all work to make this technology as safe as possible.

What Are the Pros of Nuclear Fission Energy?

1. It doesn’t depend on any fossil fuels.
The carbon dioxide emissions of nuclear fission energy are also very minimal. The fact is that nuclear power in any format has very little impact on the environment when it is properly managed. This means an increase in nuclear fission energy could result in smaller man-made contributions to the depletion of the ozone layer, the development of acid rain, and global warming in general.

2. It’s surprisingly inexpensive.
The uranium that is needed for nuclear fission energy is a cheaper resource to obtain than coil, crude oil, or natural gas. This means that households which receive nuclear energy are able to pay an average monthly utility cost that is lower than households who are reliant on fossil fuel energy.

3. They are extremely reliable.
Not only can nuclear fission energy create massive amounts of power when compared to other fossil fuel power sources, but it is also more reliable than other forms of power creation. It can run on a consistent basis and do without much danger to the surrounding area if managed properly.

What Are the Cons of Nuclear Fission Energy?

1. It generates a lot of waste.
The average nuclear power plant that has continual operational capacities can generate 20 metric tons of waste that is radioactive. Testing shows that it takes over 10,000 years for this waste to naturally decay. In the meantime, this waste is hazardous to human health, so it must be stored in some way.

2. Waste from nuclear fission energy can be turned into a weapon.
Not only can the process of nuclear fission create a weapon, but the waste created by nuclear fission energy can be weaponized as well. This means that resources must be used to not only store the waste properly, but guard it properly so someone with evil intent doesn’t get their hand on it.

3. It’s an alternative energy source, but it isn’t a renewable resource.
Uranium is more scarce than people realize. With energy production levels as they are, the current supply of uranium would be completely used by 2074. This may seem like a long way off, but our children and grandchildren have a good chance of seeing that year.

Nuclear fission energy is a good, clean alternative that can fill in the gaps as society transitions from fossil fuel energies to 100% renewable resources. By weighing each advantage and disadvantage, we can all find the right course of energy production to take for our communities.