Passive Solar Energy Pros and Cons


When we think of solar energy, we think of solar panels, inverters, and batteries that store the power that is collected. This is an effective method of collecting renewable energy, but it isn’t viable for everyone. With passive solar energy, there is no need for equipment because the energy from sunlight is naturally collected. There are some advantages and disadvantages to this process, however, as described below.

The Pros of Passive Solar Energy

1. It is very affordable.
The costs of passive solar energy tend to involve structure and design more than anything else. Fossil fuel consumption is reduced because windows, skylights, and other options help to collect the light and warmth of sunlight.

2. It still cuts costs.
When light enters a room, there is less of a need to turn on a light switch. When passive solar energy is used to heat water, then there is less of a need to use gas or electricity in return. For apartments, it can cut common costs.

3. It doesn’t require direct sunlight.
Passive solar energy can be collected even when there isn’t direct rays from the sun. Although the results on overcast days won’t be as beneficial, it is still better than having no options whatsoever.

The Cons of Passive Solar Energy

1. Each system must be individually created.
Every structure is unique, which means every passive solar energy system is also unique. This means there can never really be just one basic system that can be installed into a home.

2. It can spike engineering costs.
Buildings that collect passive solar energy can be costly to design, which means they can also have higher engineering and construction costs. In some areas, these costs might outweigh the energy savings that can be generated.

3. There may not be local providers.
Passive solar energy requires a certain level of expertise that not everyone currently has. For smaller communities, this may be problematic because there might not be any passive solar energy providers.

Passive solar energy can help to light homes and provide a cost-effective energy source for zero cost after it has been installed. As long as the pros outweigh the local cons, every home should consider passive solar as a way to save money.