Pros and Cons of the Dream Act


Standing for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors, the DREAM Act was introduced in the US Congress to give young and undocumented immigrants in the country the power to become legal citizens. For these young people to qualify for the bill, they must have been living in the country since they were 15 years of age or below, have graduated from a high school in the country and have completed at least 2 years of college or served in the US Armed Forces.

List of Pros of the Dream Act

1. It provides hope.
As the young undocumented immigrants only know the US as home because they were not able to spend a significant portion of their lives in their home countries, deporting them would seem as a cruel act. Also, it will go against America’s fundamental sense of being fair when children are punished because of their parents’ choices, making them live lives that are unfulfilled and full of hopelessness and fear.

2. It expands military recruitment efforts.
The DREAM Act is designed to offer an opportunity to expand recruitment for the military and help the country when it comes to readiness. With it, the military can recruit students who are eager to serve when there will be shortage of potential soldiers. This greatly helps considering the country is facing countless threats and the supply of soldiers is not meeting the demands placed on the Armed Forces.

3. It strengthens economic security.
The new generation of citizens the act brings will help make the country’s economic security stronger. The act will also create a new set of future taxpayers who can contribute more because they will be college graduates, unlike others who are struggling and doing other jobs that are not documented.

4. It boosts individual potential and value.
The DREAM Act is expected to show the full potential of the youth who are inclined to living out values, such as deep loyalty to the country, strong work ethics and service to others, which are virtues cherished by Americans.

List of Cons of the Dream Act

1. It allows rights and privileges for undeserving people.
When passed, the DREAM Act will imply that the government will be providing rights and privileges to individuals who are somehow undeserving to be awarded such.

2. It causes government deficits to rise.
There will be a rise in the number of people who will use the limited resources of the government, such as health care, education and social security, as they pay low taxes or even none at all. This would make government deficits increase, leading to bankruptcy.

3. It induces job shortages.
The DREAM Act will bring the possibility of jobs for Native Americans to be taken away and of wages or salaries of jobs that are left to be low. This is because available manpower would increase, encouraging companies to take advantage of cheap labor.

4. It furthers the influx of foreign criminals crossing.
There would be a rise in foreign enemies, terrorists and drug dealers who might exploit the act. Also, this law would serve as a safe harbor for these criminals from deportation.

The DREAM Act program has caused quite a stir since it was first introduced, where proponents argue that it represents everything the country stands for, while opponents stress that it will cause an over burdening on the country’s economy by supporting illegal immigrants. Based on the valid points highlighted above, what do you think?