‘We Will Get Through This’ How to Resist Govt. COVID Vaccine Campaigns

In the latest episode of This Week with Mary & Polly, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense’s vice chair and general counsel, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” discuss why we must push back against mass COVID vaccinations ... and more.



  • The latest news from Pfizer and Moderna on how “preliminary analysis” shows their vaccines are more than 90% effective is not science, it’s public relations.
  • Media are reporting that people with developmental disabilities will be among those first in line to get these experimental COVID vaccines. “You don’t target the most vulnerable people, including those who can’t exercise informed consent,with experimental medical products. That’s arguably going after the weakest in the herd.”
  • AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine (still in the trial phase) has ingredients we know are correlated with brain injury.
  • Governments have signed deals with vaccine makers to buy billions of dollars worth of COVID vaccines, so they’ll want to use them — so they’re programming us with messaging about fear, altruism and patriotism.
  • In Denmark, people took to the streets to fight back against vaccine mandates — and won.
  • Updates on Children’s Health Defense lawsuits against Facebook, University of California, and New York mandates.

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