What We Know – And May Never Know – About COVID Vaccines

The animated video, “COVID Vaccine Secrets,” walks viewers through a long list of questions about the COVID vaccines, including many for which we may never have answers.


Is the COVID vaccine safe? Has it been thoroughly tested? What are the long-term side effects? Is it even effective?

According to the video below, “COVID Vaccine Secrets,” the government, the media and even celebrities tell us we must all get the vaccine, that it’s the only way to stay safe from COVID-19.

But missing from those conversations is an open and honest discussion about the potential health risks of the vaccine. How many people have died or been injured after getting the vaccine? And why is it making some people sick? Is it because of the vaccine’s ingredients?

We may never know. According to the video:

“Nothing like this has ever been used before. This is not a vaccine. Vaccines are where a microorganism, such as a virus, is pumped into the body at a small dose so your immune system can respond and begin making antibodies. That’s the theory, anyway. But that’s not what these shots do.”

The COVID shot is a synthetic mRNA vaccine. Once injected into your body, tiny nanoparticles punch holes in your cells to disperse the synthetic mRNA. This process tells your body to make parts of the COVID-19 virus.

“It’s like hacking a computer,” notes the video. “But instead of your computer, they’re hacking your body to make part of a virus.” According to the video:

“The COVID injection bypasses your DNA, the same way a hacker bypasses the security firewall of a computer. The computer hacker spreads a virus. The injection hacker makes part of the virus. But you’re not a machine. So how can you be sure that it’s safe and that the only code they’re uploading into your cells is the code supposedly to fight COVID-19?”

The video also asks: Have these experimental COVID vaccines been rigorously tested for safety? The answer is no. According to the video:

  • No studies were done to see how the injection reacts with other drugs you might be taking.
  • No toxicity studies were done on a single dose.
  • No toxicokinetic studies have been done with the vaccine to see what happens to these chemicals once they are in your body.
  • No genotoxicity studies were done to see what happens to your DNA.
  • No carcinogenicity studies were performed to determine if the substances in the vaccine cause cancer.
  • No studies were done on how the vaccine affects prenatal and postnatal development in moms or newborns.
  • No studies were done to find out what happens when couples get the injection and any subsequent children they may have who will also receive the shot.

Children’s Health Defense provides links to sources backing up all of the facts outlined in the video.

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