7 Tips for a Creative Crowdfunding Project


Whether you’re trying to launch a good party for an artistic exhibition or you’re just needing some funding to create your next masterpiece, crowdfunding is a viable source for the money that is needed. By using the tips below, you’ll be able to maximize the results of your campaign and you might just find yourself fully funded.

1. When Should You Launch?

Don’t launch a crowdfunding campaign around the holidays. At Christmas or Easter, people are more focused on giving gifts to others, not donating money to a good cause. Avoid these times and other local holidays and you’ll be able to see more success. The post-buying lull between Christmas and Valentine’s Day might be pretty slow as well.

2. What Are Your Rewards?

The key to a good reward is to offer something that doesn’t cost a lot of time or money, but is still meaningful. A personalized reward is often the best-case scenario. The only problem? If you get 50,000 responses, then you’ll need to create 50,000 unique messages.

3. Go Off-line With Your Marketing

One of the biggest mistakes that entrepreneurs make is to keep all of their crowdfunding marketing online. There are a number of people and groups that will be interested in what you’ve got to offer, but they’ll want to meet you in person instead of through a social network. Remember this: if someone writes you a check because of a good presentation, that’s just as good as a successful crowdfunding campaign.

4. Make Social Media Work

Social media can help to spread more awareness for a campaign, but don’t overdo it. If you’re sending multiple posts per day to solicit for sales, you’re more likely to have people unfollow or unlike you and you’ll turn off family and friends as well. Set up pages, blogs, and even YouTube accounts for people to see on their own time instead and just guide people toward these if they want more information.

5. Videos Are Needed

Crowdfunding campaigns that have a marketing video are 66% more likely to succeed. It doesn’t have to be a long video, but it does need a great script. Use the video to tell your story and you’ll be able to relate to a lot of people effectively.

6. Stay Proactive

You can’t ever sit back and relax while you’ve got a crowdfunding campaign going on. When your project is live, then your work is just getting off of the ground. Although most people you know will donate money, keep in mind that most projects won’t go viral unless you put in the work to make them go viral.

7. Keep Pushing

Don’t celebrate too soon if you reach your fundraising goals early. Set stretch goals to further enhance your crowdfunding campaign so that you can do more things with the extra money that people might donate to you. The more personal and precise your stretch goals happen to be, then the more likely you will be to raise more money.