Cloning Extinct Animals Pros and Cons


There are a number of fascinating animals that have become extinct over the years on our planet. From the dodo bird to the great dinosaurs that walked our planet in the ancient days, when DNA is found for these extinct animals, there is the possibility that cloning them could become a future reality. Is this a course of action that scientists should pursue? Or would the results be comparable to what we saw in the movie Jurassic Park? Here are the advantages and disadvantages to consider.

Here Are the Pros of Cloning Extinct Animals

1. It would help us know the history of our planet better.
Having cloned animals available for study would give us a more exact picture of our planet developed. Are the displays that we see in museums accurate? Or are they just an imaginative representation of what we think these extinct animals looked like? The cloning process would confirm observations, one way or the other.

2. It could help medical science.
In order to clone extinct animals, we will need to have a firm grasp on the science of genetic engineering. Advances in this area of science could benefit medical science by allowing scientists to discover how to manipulate certain genes or repair missing and broken segments. This would improve the quality of life for many in the world today.

3. It could restore the planet.
There are certain ecosystems and biomes that are struggling right now and it could be because the natural order of life has been disturbed by an extinction. By cloning extinct animals and introducing them back into their natural habitat, it may restore the natural order of things and ultimately improve the ecosystem or biome.

Here Are the Cons of Cloning Extinct Animals

1. It could be considered exploitation.
How ethical would it be to specifically create an animal that would be used for monetary gain or research purposes? Many of the advantages of cloning extinct animals involve direct human gains. If we are not trying to restore an animal back to life for the world’s benefit, then we are exploiting animals for scientific purposes.

2. It could destroy the planet.
Many biomes are flexible enough to adapt to a missing species because of extinction. By introducing animals that have been missing for potentially hundreds of years, the entire food supply of an ecosystem could be permanently disrupted. A very real possibility is that other animals would become extinct with the introduction of a new animal.

3. It might kill us all.
How much of the DNA that has been found in an extinct animal is theirs and how much could be material that was deposited by potentially dangerous bacteria or viruses? The devastation of the European introduction of smallpox to the Americas is proof of how deadly a new disease can be. There is no telling what diseases extinct animals may have.

Do the advantages of such a process outweigh the potential risks that we face? Would it be possible to manage those risks effectively? By weighing all of the pros and cons of cloning extinct animals, we can reach a decision that works for us all.