5 Inventors that Learned from Failure

Millions of inventions have made it to a market just to be touched by failure. The famous inventor Thomas Edison himself once said, "I...

Who Invented Lowriders

Lowriders can be seen from coast to coast in the United States and a number of other countries have these vehicles making their presence...

When Did Charles Babbage Invent The Computer

Charles Babbage was born in 1791 and with a polymath, or someone that was excellent in a number of different subject areas. He was...

What is Equity Crowdfunding?

What is equity crowdfunding? What is the difference between rewards based crowdfunding and equity based crowdfunding? Although both models share the name crowdfunding, there...

6 Biggest Startup Hurdles

Some of the most common business issues suffered by new businesses is increasing their customer retention. In the end, this gives you more bang...

Mendeleev Inventions and Accomplishments

An inventor and a chemist, Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian born scientist who was born in Siberia. It is not known how many siblings...

Daniel Bernoulli Inventions and Accomplishments

Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss physician who also had a love for mathematics. Unless you've studied mathematics or engineering extensively, there is a good...

Choosing the Right Funding Strategy

This exceptional infographic was created by Grasshopper.com Multiple avenues exist for the entrepreneur to gain startup capital. From bootstraping to venture capital funding, considering the...

Who Invented Hawaiian Pizza

The combination of ham or Canadian bacon and pineapple has been winning hearts and minds for years when it has been placed on a...

Angel Investing vs. Crowdfunding

More than 6.5 million was spent in starting new businesses in 2011. Many small businesses look to borrowing and bank loans to get their...