How One Kickstarter Project Became a Grammy Nomination


Kickstarter is often considered to be one of the worst places for artists to raise cash for a project, but recent events might be bucking that trend. That’s especially true for musicians. Numerous musicians are self-funding new albums and raising awareness of their art. These independent artists are getting noticed by more than just a few backers. In 2015, Kickstarter funded projects brought in a total of 7 Grammy nominations.

The most notable nomination came from Lee Perry, the Jamaican legend himself. His dub album was nominated as one of the best reggae albums of the year.

Will Kickstarter Change the Music Industry?

Music is the one trend that seems to do better than any other creative industry on Kickstarter. According to the latest statistics released by the crowdfunding platform, more than $135 million has been raised for nearly 20,000 projects.

That’s a lot of cash, but the major labels aren’t concerned about a few talented independent artists. Although Kickstarter has brought more attention to independent work, the route to a Grammy nomination and a game-changing album or performance requires more than just meeting a funding goal.

Marketing, distribution, and networking are all part of the music industry and these costs often exceed what can be raised online. Being associated with some names with star power still gives you a better chance for success. The 27 year old rapper who recorded an album on his MacBook Pro isn’t going to have the same staying power as established musicians using Kickstarter because they can’t get a deal elsewhere.

What Is Notable About Modern Music and Kickstarter?

The most notable component about the change in the music industry is that artists are discovering they can do a lot with a “lean and mean” attitude. With solid mastering, a good hook, and an identity, it becomes possible to fund a Grammy nominated record for $50,000 or less. That is something that the major labels are going to consider in the future.

In the meantime, the future looks very bright for Kickstarter musicians. Everyone creates their own path toward success. For tomorrow’s independent artists, that path might just include crowdfunding on a regular basis.