How to Get More Traffic in the Final Hours of Your Crowdfunding Campaign


The final hours of a crowdfunding campaign can help to take it over the edge toward success or cause it to come just a few dollars short of those critical goals. When using a platform like Kickstarter, it also means you’ll either get the cash that has been pledged or you won’t get anything. That’s why crowdfunding is so tough. It takes a lot of perseverance and in the end, many campaigns just end up losing their energy.

You can keep the energy levels high or gain back your energy with these tips to generate traffic in your final hours of being live.

Get the Community Involved

Crowdfunding campaigns that post a minimum of 3 updates see more than double the funding levels over campaigns that do not. Make sure that you keep sharing your progress throughout the final days and give a final hours update so that everyone can get their fringe friends involved with your project if they’re inspired to do so.

Set Effective Goals

Stretch goals are a great way to get your audience excited once again. It’s in the final hours, so a doubled goal is just a setup for failure. Encourage a 5% growth with a last second reward that is very tempting and you might just push yourself over the top.

Contests Are Awesome

A referral contest can help you generate a lot of extra interest. People love stuff when it is free and they feel like they’ve earned it. Offer exclusive prizes or perks for your best brand ambassadors and you’ll get a lot of passionate people on board that are willing to promote you to the very last second.

It’s a Popularity Contest

Don’t eliminate a good thing just because a reward happens to sell out. You need a certain level of scarcity to get people wanting to purchase, of course, but you don’t want the best selling products to be too scarce. If certain rewards sell out quickly consider bringing them in for a second or third run. Maybe you can even increase the pricing a small amount to increase your margins.

Go Live

Some of the most successful last minute crowdfunding campaigns have topped their goals with a live stream. Going live can take a lot of work, but it’s also a great way for your personality to shine through so that potential backers can start to see who they’re actually supporting. If you’ve got your wits about you and can prove your expertise, that’s just as good a selling point as any video can be.

Find Some Last Second Press

Urgency can drive sales like no other force. If your campaign has a lot of support in a specific demographic, then try to find some publications or websites that will be willing to talk about your needs and give you a last second interview. Thousands of dollars can be raised from one article in just a few hours and it sells papers or creates advertising clicks that make the publication money, so everyone ends up winning in the end.