How to Triple Your Followers on YouTube


Content comes in many forms. The focus is often on the written word because it is so easy to publish everywhere online, but videos cannot be ignored either. Video content can be an easy way to engage with a core customer base, begin to develop relationships, and develop brand ambassadors. Roberto Blake tripled his YouTube followers in just one year and you can too using his methods.

1. Don’t Give Up

You can decide that you will be a success or a failure based on the performance of 10 or 20 videos. Blake has uploaded more than 500 videos over the last 24 months. In 2013, hardly anyone knew who Blake was, but today he’s offering entrepreneurship advice to over 60,000 people every day. That’s the power of what directed, useful content can provide anyone today.

2. Be Consistent

Blake has a firm routine he follows. Each day he offers a specific form of content to reach a specific market segment. He also delivers content at relatively the same time every day. This allows his followers to know when new content will be delivered so they can structure their day to include his advice.

3. Form Your Strategy First

There needs to be a reason why you’re uploading videos to YouTube in the first place. What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want to drive new customers to your business? Develop a personal brand? Become famous? Each video must take another step forward toward that ultimate goal. There should also be goals to reach along the way so you can measure the levels of success you’re experiencing.

4. Be Willing to Change

Let’s face it: the internet is only one generation old. Some kids from the 1990s remember not having a computer in their home. AOL chat was the hottest thing for some of today’s older professionals. YouTube is still going to evolve because it’s only a decade old. It’s still growing, so those creating video content must be willing to change and evolve as YouTube does.

It is possible to triple your followers in just one year. Roberto Blake is proof of this. Follow these easy tips and who knows what kind of success you might be able to find.