Pros and Cons of Cochlear Implants


Losing the ability to hear is one of the worst conditions one can have, which can be caused by loud noise, accidents and illness or come as a birth defect. Fortunately, there are many treatments for this condition, among which are cochlear implants. While there are obvious benefits coming with this procedure, like many other things, it also has some drawbacks. If you are planning to have such a hearing aid, here are pros and cons that are worth considering:

List of Pros of Cochlear Implants

1. It treats deafness.
To begin with, a cochlear implant can improve your hearing, but it is still not certain how much. But so far, any person who has received such a procedure had reported improvements not only in hearing, but also in value of life.

2. It means safety for the deaf.
Walking around without being able to hear anything can lead you to disaster without even knowing it. On the other hand, being able to hear clearly will make you aware of the potential dangers around. This means that this implant lets you hear important sounds and keeps you safe when out and about.

3. It aids deaf schoolchildren.
Deaf children are generally relegated to educational institutions that accept those having difficulties in hearing disorder, but when they are given cochlear implants, it will be easier for them to integrate themselves into a regular school, making them feel more comfortable with themselves. Also, put in mind that special schools charge costs for interpreters, tutors and assisted technology for the deaf, which you can avoid by having this procedure.

4. It allows for more opportunities.
For the younger people who receive it, a cochlear implant will help them get into social groups, aside from schools, broadening their prospects for career choices. Though there is still a limit to this, it will not be as hindering as not having such an implant.

List of Cons of Cochlear Implants

1. It carries some risks and complications.
Generally, surgeries often come with risks, especially if you have any prior medical conditions. As for cochlear implants, complications may arise or healing may be hindered. Considering that these procedures require surgical insertion, you should inform the doctor with regards to your past and current health conditions. You might also feel some numbness of the surgical area, minor facial analysis or muscle spasms.

2. It may place some limitation in physical activity.
After undergoing this type of procedure, your physical activity might be limited. You may not be able to engage in water sports and related activities, as well as high-contact sports. Remember that water can destroy cochlear implants, leading to complications.

3. It is expensive.
Generally, cochlear implants are very expensive, that is why many deaf people cannot get such procedure though they need it badly. Fortunately, such an expense can be lightened if you are insured.

Without a doubt, having a cochlear implant is a huge decision to make in your life, so make sure to do your homework before proceeding. The pros and cons listed above can surely help.