Pros and Cons of Paying College Athletes


College sports have already become huge, with thousands of people lining up to watch their favorite student athletes and teams play. But, even though these sporting events bring lots of fun and excitement, they still have many underlying issues. One of these is the fact that college athletes are currently not being paid to play. Some people think that this is only fair, while others feel that the students deserve to receive monetary compensation for their efforts. If you’re confused as to which side is right, here’s a list of the advantages and disadvantages that can arise when college athletes are paid.

List of Pros of Paying College Athletes

1. It gives student athletes a much-needed income.
Many university students are struggling financially to support their education. So, unless they receive full scholarships, college athletes have to worry about where they’ll get money for tuition and other university fees as well as for their room, food, books, and other things. Add this to the fact that they usually can’t get part-time jobs because most of their free time is spent on practice, and it’s easy to see that they can get into financial issues. However, if they’re paid for their hard work, it can at least alleviate their money problems and help them focus more on boosting their athletic performance.

2. It motivates both existing and potential players.
Many athletes are motivated to work hard so they can be the best in their chosen sports, but it can’t be argued that money can also be a great motivator. If college athletes get paid, existing players can be inspired to worker harder so they can retain their place in the team and continue to earn an income while doing what they love. Those who aren’t yet on the team or are still in high school, meanwhile, can be encouraged to improve their performance so they’ll have the chance to officially become college athletes.

3. It prevents corruption.
Many college athletes are bribed with money by unethical coaches to switch universities. But, if student players are paid well for their efforts, they’ll become less tempted to be swayed by corruption and play for other schools just because for money.

List of Cons of Paying College Athletes

1. It can discourage players from focusing on their education.
Receiving an income can cause college athletes to think that sports is important than education. As a result, they might focus more on practicing with their team instead of going to classes, doing their term papers, and studying for exams.

2. It can be unfair for smaller institutions.
Many small colleges and universities use their earnings from college sports to balance their budgets and be financially on track. If they had to pay their athletes, they might be forced to cut back on other things, such as their staff’s salaries and their funds for infrastructure improvement. They might also not have the capacity to give big paychecks and therefore lose out on talented students, who understandably want to receive the higher pay that larger schools can give.

3. It can make other students feel upset.
College athletes already receive scholarships that cover a portion of or even their entire educational expenses. If they receive paychecks on top of that, it can create animosity between athletes and non-athletes, who mostly likely will resent the fact that they’re paying their way through college and become envious of student players.

What’s the Verdict?

Paying college athletes has several pros and cons, and there has to be a balance between these factors before school authorities and collegiate sports officials make a decision.