Pros and Cons of Single Gender Classrooms


School environments are influential in the upbringing of children. It is also significant in teaching individuals on how socialize and mingle with other people. This is why when some policy makers brought up the issue of single-gender education in public schools, reaction from the public was divided. Proponents and opponents argue on its effect and significance on students. Here are the benefits and setbacks of gender-specific type of education.

List of Pros of Single Gender Classrooms

1. Preference of Students.
Proponents of single gender classrooms say that boys and girls adjust and adapt to two different temperatures. Females are more comfortable in warmer temperature settings while males are exactly the opposite. By separating girls from boys, classrooms can be easily designed to cater to the temperature preferences of students. Consequently, these classrooms will be conducive for learning and students can enjoy and learn more in their classrooms.

2. Less Pressure.
Advocates of single gender classrooms posit that with this kind of setting, peer pressure and competition between students will be minimized. According to studies, there are subjects like mathematics and engineering wherein boys are more comfortable with than girls are. On the other hand, girls are more likely to enjoy poetry and language subjects. If the class is consists of students from both genders, this can create tension and pressure on the students unlike in a single gender classroom setting where the atmosphere will be more relaxed.

3. Less Distraction.
If a classroom is composed of all girls or all boys, students will be more focused on their lessons. Advocates argue that in a mixed classroom set, there is more distraction since boys will be attracted to girls and vice-versa which can lead into romantic relationships even at an early age.

List of Cons of Single Gender Classrooms

1. Lack of Interaction with the Opposite Sex.
According to critics, it is possible for students who experience single gender classroom settings to be timid and uncomfortable to mingle and socialize with individuals of the opposite sex if they have been used to this type of setting at an early age. Students spend most of the hours of the day in classrooms. If they only see and talk to other students of the same gender, they might find it awkward to talk and communicate with people of the opposite sex.

2. Unpreparedness to the Real World.
Those who are not in favor of single gender classrooms say that when students graduate and go out to the “real world”, these individuals will exist, negotiate, compete and build relationships with other people from both male and female genders. Critics are concerned that if these young people will not be introduced and allowed to co-exist with people from both sexes, they will find it difficult to start building relationships and be comfortable with members of the opposite sex.

3. Stereotyping.
Another downside of single gender classroom settings seen by opponents is the tendency to stereotype either of the sexes. This can lead to students from a particular gender judge and label members of the opposite sex according to what they hear or perceive and not what reality is. Moreover, critics claim that if young people are taught about diversity in race, culture and religion, gender differences should also be introduced at an early age.

Classroom settings indeed affect students and this includes single classroom settings. However, people should also be aware that individuals adapt to the environment differently and this also applies to the learning environment. Knowing the pros and cons can help.