Single Payer Health Care Pros and Cons


For Americans especially, the costs of healthcare can be overwhelming. Not only are there insurance payments to make that are several hundred dollars per month, but there are deductibles that may be up to $7,000 that must be paid. That’s why an evaluation of the single payer health care pros and cons is so important.

The Pros of Single Payer Health Care

1. No one gets ignored.
It doesn’t matter if you grow up wealthy or you grow up in poverty. In a single payer system, there is true equality for everyone. If you have a healthcare need, then you can go see a doctor to have that problem addressed. Everyone puts in what they can to a single fund.

2. No one cares about your previous health issues.
Even with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in place, there are still previous health issues that can prevent someone from receiving the care they need. That goes away in a single payer system because all health issues are addressed no matter what.

3. Private healthcare options can still exist.
For those who prefer a private doctor or may not want to wait for an appointment in their single payer system of care, a privatized system of healthcare can still exist side-by-side so that everyone can receive the type of care that they want.

The Cons of Single Payer Health Care

1. It doesn’t fix the poor vs. wealthy class system.
People who have more money can receive emergency care at a private facility. Those who rely on the single payer system may have sometimes problematic wait times. This means the change still benefits those who can pay more for what they need.

2. It would create a shortage of physicians.
Not only would more people be wanting healthcare in a single payer system, but privatized organizations could pay more to the best doctors. By 2050, the shortage of doctors could be as high as 25,000 in the US alone, making it difficult for basic physical checkups to occur.

3. Quality of care issues could happen.
Overwhelmed doctors will undoubtedly rush through appointments to care for as many people as they can. What happens when people rush? Details get mixed and that could hurt someone in the end.

The single payer health care pros and cons show that if managed properly, it could help to transform how treatments are performed. These gains aren’t without risk, however, which is why each key point must be carefully evaluated.