Spiro Skouras: UN Announces Bio-Metric Digital ID Wallet


By Spiro Skouras

Recently the United Nations had some big announcements that went largely unnoticed, including the rollout of a biometric digital wallet and an announcement that one of its specialized agencies The International Civil Aviation Organization is one step closer to an internationally recognized digital travel credential.

As reported by Biometric Update:

This particular UN biometric digital wallet is intended for UN employees and it can be used for data related to human resources, medical status, travel, payroll, and pensions.

I hope you see where this is going, every aspect of our lives will be centralized digitally using biometrics and in many cases the blockchain, AI, and 5G.

I can’t help but raise the question, what kind of social controls could this possibly provide the technocrats if people decide not to obey certain restrictions or requirements?

Example: If you didn’t get your latest shot, individuals may face travel restrictions. Or, you may not be able to go to work, or your payments may be frozen until you comply.

They may not have to mandate anything if they can ‘encourage’ you to obey.

Show notes:

Digital travel credential one step closer with ICAO implementation model approval

Replacing a conventional passport with digital travel credentials

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