The Funding Gap and How Crowdfunding Is Eliminating It


We’ve all heard of the wage gap when it comes to men and women in the business world, but did you know that there is a funding gap as well? Women have far more roadblocks on their journey toward business success when compared to me. Thanks to crowdfunding, however, those roadblocks are either being avoided or removed one by one.

Why is crowdfunding changing the way women are viewed in the modern business world? It’s simple. Women are able to raise more money than men while crowdfunding, have more successful crowdfunding campaigns, and are better at combining financing options for a start-up. In short, women have more of the skills needed for this platform.

Crowdfunding Is All About Connecting

Why are women able to outperform men in crowdfunding? It’s because the project management skills are a little different. Women tend to focus on the marketing components of a campaign and can make their story relate to their key demographics. They’re forthright should mistakes happen and they are better at communicating without using business jargon.

The result is a combination of offline and crowdfunding efforts that have raised a surprising amount of cash for a start-up opportunity. Here are just three of many examples.

1. Real Food Blends
Creates meals through packaged foods that can be used with a feeding tube. Julie Bombacino used a successful rewards campaign to raise $550k of offline capital.

2. AbbeyPost
Uses a unique algorithm which creates custom clothing from a few simple measurements for women who are plus size. A total of $625k was raised from angels and crowdfunding by Cynthia Schames.

3. Hint Inc.
Makes flavored waters without sweeteners. By combining angels, VCs, and a private crowdfunding campaign, Kara Golding raised $2 million in just 10 days.

It isn’t just the rewards-based crowdfunding medium that is helping companies succeed. Equity crowdfunding is also working some magic and we have women to thank for that success.

Le Grand Courtage Is a Perfect Example To Follow

Tawnya Falkner has a line of sparkling wines that she knew would be popular, but needed financing to make orders happen. She wound up raising a total of $400k in equity financing for marketing needs and inventory production. In the last year, her company has seen revenues grow by over 450%.

The same is true for Wonder Technologies, a new system with a patent pending that would enable credit cards to be used as a gift card by any merchant. She also raised $400k in equity financing in part to acquire customers and develop her product.

Crowdfunding has allowed women to bring their unique talents to the business world in a way that is unencumbered. Could it cause the glass ceiling to finally fall? Only time will tell.