Using Storytelling to Promote Your Startup


With the increasing popularity of entrepreneurship and starting your own business, it can sound more advantageous to work for yourself than for a large company. The real question is why? Many opportunities are made available to individuals every day that allow them to take advantage of starting their own business. This can be aimed at developing their own entrepreneur skills or supplying an ample amount of jobs to their community. Regardless of the situation, informing others of your start-up goals and objectives will help to garner increasing support for your business initiative.

Do Start-up Businesses Succeed?

One thing to remember when you are interested in starting your own company is that the majority of start-up businesses rarely succeed either due to lack of funding or the inability to put a sufficient amount of time into the business. 71% of the businesses that failed as start-ups died within 2 years and the majority of these businesses also failed before they raised less than $1 million. This leaves people wondering what the difference is between successful start-ups and start-ups that flop.

Developing a Story

The majority of start-ups that failed simply did not have a story behind them and although you may assume that your business hasn’t been around long enough, there is always a story to take advantage of and it starts with you. Consider taking advantage of:

1. Your path to creating the company.
2. The way that you approached the creation.
3. What motivates you as an entrepreneur?
4. Why you decided to start a business in the first place.

Understanding Tone and Archetypes

You will want to consider the tone of voice that you will use to show your customers how you can provide them with a solution to their problem. As an example, if you are a business that is offering wedding planning services, your customers will find that weddings are a lot of work and take a lot of time. It is your duty to choose one of the 12 archetypes to help them, such as “Okay, I will help you figure it all out” which is the “Caregiver” archetype. The other 11 include:

• The Magician
• The Rebel
• The Explorer
• The Innocent
• The Jester
• The Creator
• The Regular Guy
• The Hero
• The Sage
• The Ruler
• The Lover

Having the ability to use a specific tone of voice is a great way to ensure that you can sufficiently convey your story to tell customers that you are able to give them something that they can use to their advantage.