Who Invented Ultimate Frisbee


Combining the aspects of American football with a frisbee, the game of Ultimate Frisbee was born in 1967. Credit for this game’s invention goes to four high school students who were living in Maplewood, NJ at the time. Joel Silver, Jared Kass, Jonny Hines, and Buzzy Hellring are credited with this game that has limited contact and an emphasis on having no referees at all. Sportsmanship is the emphasis of Ultimate Frisbee and has been so since the first game was played in 1968.

How Fast Did Ultimate Frisbee Develop?

In just two years after the first game was played, two high school teams played each other in an official competition. Just one year later, 5 schools joined together to form the first Ultimate Frisbee conference that held a championship based on a schedule of games. As the kids who played this game went on to college, Ultimate Frisbee became a collegiate sport as well. The first intercollegiate came was held in 1972 and by 1975, the first college tournament for Ultimate Frisbee was being held annually.

In 1979, the first national player-run organization focusing on Ultimate Frisbee was created to compliment the event sponsorships that were occurring by Wham-O. The first European championships were held in 1980 and a European confederation was formed just a year later. By 1984, a World championship was organized and international governing bodies helped to govern the growth and development of the sport, including professional leagues.

What Else Did These Four Inventors Create?

Out of these four inventors of Ultimate Frisbee, the one name that sticks out is Joel Silver. He went on to become a film producer for some major blockbusters, such as Die Hard and Lethal Weapon. Silver also went on to create Dark Castle Entertainment. Producing some of the top horror films that have been released in the last decade, Silver has also created his own film company that has produced cult hits like Weird Science and Demolition Man.

Silver is also known for his love of Frank Lloyd Wright. Beginning in 1984, he purchased a home designed by Wright in Hollywood and worked to restore it to its original condition. He purchased a second house in South Carolina that was designed by Wright as well and has been restoring it since 1986. The first house sold in 2002 for nearly $3 million.

With over 5 million registered players of Ultimate Frisbee and informal pickup games happening everywhere, this is a game that can be enjoyed by anyone at almost any age. As long as you’ve got a group of people and a good frisbee, you’ve got the chance to play this game. If you’ve never played this fun game before, then make today be the day that you find your local club and start enjoying the sport.