11 Keys to Making a Great Speech


Public speaking can be an incredibly difficult task for some people, especially if you are hesitant about delivering information in front of a large group of people. Instead of allowing anxiety to overcome you, this article will soon help you to realize that delivering speeches can be a relatively simple task that helps you to diversify you skills and knowledge. Below are some tips to consider when you are learning how to effectively deliver perfect speeches every time.

Tip 1: Make Sure You’re Prepared

The number one way to make sure that you deliver the best speech is to prepare all of your materials beforehand. You will want all of your materials printed before the date of the presentation. If there are any electronic components such as projectors or computers that are needed, test them ahead of time to ensure they are properly working and avoid any potential for embarrassing moments to occur at the time of the presentation.

Tip 2: Working the Crowd

Make sure to gather the attention of your audience before you start your presentation. This will give you a better reaction if you establish a layer of trust first. Arrive early to the presentation hall and meet the people in the room before your begin your presentation.

Tip 3: Find Interesting Information

Deliver interesting messages to your audience or share funny personal stories and experience. This will ensure they become more interested in what you have to say.

Tip 4: Consider Presentation Time

By eliminating any excessive amounts of slides, you will be able to cut the time of your presentation down to ensure that it doesn’t become unnecessarily lengthened or boring to your audience.

Tip 5: Using Stories

There’s nothing better than remembering aspects of a speech because of a story that the speaker used. Your stories may even be repeated many years down the road.

Tip 6: Primacy and Recency Effects

Groups of people generally remember the beginning and ending aspects of a speech the most due to the primacy and recency effects. Make sure that you take the time to make these points more interesting.

Tip 7: Don’t Waste Time

Make your speech short and great to minimize the chance of delivering a boring presentation.

Tip 8: Concentrate on Vocal Variety

20% to 30% of your audience learn the best through auditory means, speed up your speech when you have something good to say and slow down your speech when you want them to pay attention to a specific point.

Tip 9: Have Purpose

People will only want to listen to your speech if they feel like you have purpose behind what you are saying.

Tip 10: Find Power

Powerful and confident speakers catch the attention of their audiences immediately.

Tip 11: Training the Audience

If your audience is able to interact during your speech, they will be more likely to give you a standing round of applause or even buy any products that you have for sale.