Best Software for StartUps


Toolkit for Startup Businesses

Startups are popping up all over. Most of these businesses employee less than 100 people. Nearly half of them are in the tech sector. Are you thinking about starting a start-up venture? If so, then you might be wondering what sorts of software you might need to invest in. Here, we have surveyed around 550 people with some of the hippest startups. They have provided a plethora of software and software suite recommendations for your business. Stay ahead of the curb by investing in a few of these today.

What You Need

Obviously, there are some things that every startup will need. This includes email services, backup of data, and an accounting service. Most businesses also invest in things like email marketing services, photo editing, collaborative software, and more. When it comes to the one thing you must have, Google Apps for business seems to be it. They provide a calendar, email, a phone service, and collaborative technology (through docs). Mail Chimp is the winner for email marketing. Adobe CS5 takes the cake for web design, as well as photo editing. Visual editing, though, falls to another Adobe product: Photoshop.

Getting Paid

Startups must have ways to pay for business expenses. They must also be able to pay their employees and accept payment from others. A lot of startups do billing through QuickBooks, and have an account with PayPal, too. American Express is their company credit card of choice. ADP just barely beats out QuickBooks for the way most people get paid. If capital is needed for a startup, they are most likely to seek out loans from the Bank of America. When trying to get paid online, Magneto wins the title of most widely used ecommerce platform for startups that we surveyed.

IT to Depend On

Since many of these startups are tech firms, they will very well need fantastic IT capabilities. One thing our startups could agree on: MySQL was the way to go for a database. Most used Textmate as their text editor of choice. When it comes to IDE, the two most popular choices are Eclipse and Virtual Studio. Testing is almost always carried out in RSPEC. Rails are also their overall framework of choice. Around 7 of 10 people surveyed preferred MAC products for their computing needs over other brands. And Amazon seemed the way to go for hosting needs, too.