Down The Tube: Take A Stand With Fallen Patriot Accounts


By Corey Lynn

Corey’s Digs reported on the censorship taking place by big tech back in August, 2019: Controlling Minds, Narratives & Elections: Google, YouTube, Facebook & Twitter, and interviewed Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies on the Dig It! Podcast. Since then, the censorship has escalated dramatically, election interference being predominant, and a large amount of reporters and journalists with substantial followings are being wrongfully terminated with no explanation. In some cases, Paypal has locked down their accounts while holding their funds hostage, and Sean at SGT Report just had his Patreon account removed over reporting on Qanon. The purge is real.

Despite government hearings with big tech, a recent antitrust lawsuit against Google, Project Veritas’ recent bombshells exposing Google, the debatable repealing of Section 230, and millions of people screaming from the rooftops, nothing seems to put a stop to their blatant in-your-face control of search results, ads, posts, and accounts so they can monopolize the narrative they wish to push. It’s flat out criminal and they are harming people’s livelihoods, finances, and businesses while censoring their voices.

Vorhies has teamed up with Attorney Chris Amenta to file a “breach of contract” lawsuit against Google/YouTube. He has put out an open call to others who have been wrongly terminated by YouTube and a class action lawsuit is being considered. The background, details, and contact info can all be found here.

For those searching for all of their favorites who have undergone the recent purge from YouTube, you can find their videos alive and well at the links below. Be sure to give them a follow, show them your support, and bookmark their sites, because they work tirelessly to get the news out, and just took a big hit by Google and other platforms.

Those of us who do this work, tend to spend 24/7 immersed in it in order to expose as much as possible because mainstream news only pushes propaganda and we are in the battle of our lifetime. Since this has happened, I myself have lost Patrons because some people don’t want to support that platform now. The feeling of being on the chopping block and knowing at any point in time they can cut your access, your voice, and your financial support, is nerve-racking, to say the least. They are censoring everyone that is a threat to their narrative, and it will continue if people do not take a stand and support one another, while continuing to get vital information out to the masses. We are not in this to lose. We will not give up on one another, ourselves, or our country.

Your Favorites Live On – Support Them:

Amazing Polly:

And We Know:

Craig Mason:

Deception Bytes:

Dollar Vigilante:

Dustin Nemos:

Edge of Wonder:

Fall Cabal:

Freedom Force Battalion:

Good Lion Films:



Joe M:

Jordan Sather:

Just Informed Talk:

Karli Q:

Linda Paris:

Lori Colley:

Mark Taylor:

Martin Geddes:


Mouthy Buddah:

Obiwan Qenobi:

Patriots Soapbox:

Praying Medic:

Red Racer Video:


Sarah Westall:

SGT Report:,


Stroppy Me:

The Iconoclast:

The Last American Vagabond:

The Patriot Hour:

The Red Pill Book:

Titus Frost:


Truth and Art TV:

Woke Societies:

World Alternative Media:


Special thanks to Brad Cologero Getz for compiling these important links.

I would personally like to give a special shout out to three individuals who were wrongfully terminated by YouTube, because they are sponsors of Corey’s Digs work, and they work their tails off; Sarah WestallSGT Report, and Redpill78. Check out the Real News for more journalists, authors, and show hosts that sponsor Corey’s Digs.

Never give in to tyranny, and never stop speaking out.

This article was originally published on

Corey Lynn is an investigative journalist. Support her by becoming a Patron or you can support her directly here.