Famous Directors Son: The Great Reset Will Remove Our Freedoms! Not Conspiracy Theory!

Sean Stone, son of the famous Hollywood director, Oliver Stone, has been studying world events and the people behind them for quite a while. Sean Stone has also studied the lineage of globalists like Henry Kissenger and his mentors. He has a very interesting take on what's happening today.


Sean Stone majored in American History, studying at Oxford and Princeton University. Sean grew up in the film world, acting in many of his father Oliver Stone’s films before becoming a director in his own right with Greystone Park. Sean also hosted the online show Buzzsaw, Sean Stone is an author, documentary filmmaker. Sean begins the conversation with how the New World Order lineage is connected and they have been planning the great reset for a long time. Their mission is to remove the rights of the people and move the current world into their world. There is one problem, Trump, he stands in their way of completing their plan.

Website: seanstone.info

Twitter: @watchingsean

Sean’s YouTube channel

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