The Great Awakening – A Documentary About The State & Fate Of America

If there was one film that everyone in America (and the world) should watch this year it would be The Great Awakening. The Great...

Zeitgeist: Exposing The Invisible Chains Globalist Use To Enslave The World!

We are living in a time of extreme social and political turmoil, which is when the greatest changes occur in society. However, as we...

Is Free Energy Possible In 2023? The Liberty Engine: Perpetual Free Clean Energy Generator

Are we heading into a new era of free clean energy for humanity? The production of free energy in the world would have so...




Why Are We Not Hearing The Whole Story About Vaccines?

A Comprehensive Review of Vaccines — Part 10 of 12 If you've read this article starting with Part 1, you may be asking yourself: why...

COVID-19: Psychologists, Scientists and The CIA Tell Us Fear is The Real Killer

There are two different worlds of fear right now: those who fear the virus and those who fear the future control of mankind being...
Pros and Cons of Solitary Confinement

Pros and Cons of Solitary Confinement

Lately, solitary confinement in jails and prisons in the US have come under critical observation from courts, statehouses and even the President Barack Obama....


Brian Rose of London Real: What it Takes to Follow Your...

The Epiphany In 2010, Brian Rose was an accomplished executive with a successful career in the London banking industry. He was wealthy and lived a...


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