To Be More Focused, Get Distracted
The author of 'Two Awesome Hours,' Josh Davis takes some time to discuss how minor distractions can help you to become more focused....
The Science Behind Crowdfunding
Science research has definite benefits for all of humanity, but in a society that is based on information, knowledge doesn't come on the cheap....
Agile Methodology Pros and Cons
Agile methodology proposes an incremental approach to software design. Instead of using a sequential design process, specific components of a design are assigned out...
How to Learn From Your Previous Mistakes
The Founder of, Aaron Patzer discusses how his failures taught him important lessons on running his startup as a young entrepreneur. These...
Investment Crowdfunding is No Longer Just for Accredited Investors
Mark the date of May 25, 2015. That's the day that the non-accredited investor can finally have access to the same money growing tools...
Pros and Cons of the No Child Left Behind Act
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) started under the premise that American children were falling behind the rest of the world with their education. This...
Bullet Proof Investing Advice From Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins sits down and takes some time to share his expert advice on integrating asset allocation as a part of your investment...
Due Diligence For the Modern Angel
There's no question that angel investing is a risky business. Not only is there an ongoing debate about the roles that angels should play...
Pros and Cons of Synthetic Oil
Oil is actually divided into five groups, but just two of them are generally recognized: conventional and synthetic. Conventional oil comes from fossil fuels...
How CrossFit Became a Billion Dollar Brand
Greg Glassman from CrossFit goes on to explain how he became a $4 billion dollar brand and turned the fitness industry upside down....