Are You All-In With Your Crowdfunding Campaign?

Many people avoid crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter because the proposition is an all-or-nothing offer. If you don't reach your goal, then you don't get...

Making Your Ideas Look Great in a Presentation

For a long time we have thought of leaders as being logical, serious, and perhaps even able to argue their point. But...

John Logie Baird Inventions and Accomplishments

John Logie Baird, who was born in 1888, is often listed as one of the greatest Scottish inventors in history. Working as an engineer,...

The ‘Aha!’ Moments of 3 Ambitious Entrepreneurs

[youtube] A panel of three successful and young entrepreneurs discuss their experience traveling down the tough road to entrepreneurship. These young and ambitious individuals...

One Day Can Make or Break Your Crowdfunding Campaign

Most crowdfunding campaigns follow the same track of results. Much of the funding that is needed for a goal comes within the first 24...

How Crowdfunding Works

Crowdfunding may not be the thing you think of when deciding to fund your next idea or small business venture. However, recent statistics show...

Who Invented the Pencil Sharpener

Pencils have been around for a long time, but before the pencil sharpener, most of them where whittled with a knife to get them...

How to Run a Successful Indiegogo Campaign

When done correctly, Indiegogo is an effective platform for raising the funds that are needed to get a job done without sacrificing equity in...

The Most Common Presentation Mistakes

Presentations are common at conferences, in courses, and at other gatherings. They can truly be powerful ways to get your ideas and...

Who Invented the Heating Pad

One of the most effective forms of pain relief for a chronic injury is heat. Ice is used within the first 48 hours to...