Who Invented the Milk Carton
Did you know that it took nearly 20 years for milk cartons to be accepted by the general public? Milk has always spoiled very...
How to Get Free PR By Being the Expert in Your...
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLzwI53RLxc&w=640&h=360]
The real estate mogul Barbara Corcoran discusses the importance of gaining free advertising by being an expert in your field. Not only is...
The Impact of Equity Crowdfunding
Because of Title II of the JOBS Act, about 1 in 7 companies who attempted equity crowdfunding in the last year were able to...
30 Angel Investors Startups Need to Know
As an entrepreneur it is your responsibility to find ways to gather money for your startup, otherwise it will never be able to get...
Who Invented the Hot Glue Gun
The hot glue gun is an essential tool for any DIY craftsperson. Hot glue is used in a number of applications, but before the...
Crowdfunding Closes the Gender Gap
Throughout all of modern history in developed nations, women have made less than men. This occurs even when women hold the same job titles...
4 Best Real Estate Crowdfunding Websites
Crowdfunding has become immensely popular in recent years. Simply by creating a page for a project or goal, an individual or company can generate...
Who Invented Mummification
Mummification is the art of preserving a body after it has ceased living. It is often referred to with human remains, but any body...
What Angel Investors Look for in a Business
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKZBeW7SL2I&w=640&h=360]
The Shark Tank Angel Investor, Barbara Corcoran takes a moment to sit down and discuss the key items investors look at before investing...
Should You Raise Equity Capital Through Crowdfunding?
For many businesses, equity capital through crowdfunding is soon going to be a reality. In some places, like the UK, it has already become...