How Gtar Raised $300K+ on Kickstarter

[youtube] A look at how Stefan Lindsay of Gtar raised several hundred thousand dollars by crowdfunding and the strategies they employed that contributed to...

Who Invented Piggy Banks

Have you ever wondered who thought it was a good idea to place coins in a vessel that looks like a pig? The beloved...

Who Invented Lava Lamps

The Lava Lamp or Astro Lamp is an interesting lamp to look at. It was invented by an accountant in 1963. Edward Craven-Walker the...

6 Major Hurdles for Startups to Overcome

Many new start-ups are backed by an entrepreneur that has the passion for making a success. Less than a fifth of startups are based...

Edwin Hubble Inventions and Accomplishments

Edwin Hubble's greatest invention was not an invention at all it was a theory that helped to get other astronomers to acknowledge that there...

Who Invented the Chinook Helicopter

The Chinook is a dual engine American helicopter that is most often used by the United States Army to transport troops, supplies and heavy...

Will Their Be Crowdfund Governments in the Future

[youtube] Crowdfunding is known as the perfect avenue to bridge together unique ideas and activities with public financial support. A wide variety of initiatives...

Who Invented the Allen Wrench

Many people believe that the Allen Wrench clearly must have been invented by someone named Allen or with the surname Allen. Whether the Allen...

Who Invented Malaria Vaccine

The malaria vaccine has a long history of research but there is not an actual vaccine that is completely effective against malaria. Malaria...

The Demographics of an Entrepreneur

A record amount of entrepreneurs are popping up around the United States. The variety of demographics and characteristics of these successful entrepreneurs are staggering....