Pass Fail Grading System Pros and Cons


Having a pass fail grading system can make it a lot easier for students to gather the credits they need for graduation without worrying about a specific grade. It also means that it is more difficult to see where a student specifically stands with the knowledge learned in that class. Here is a look at the other pass fail grading system pros and cons.

The Pros of a Pass Fail Grading System

1. It saves time.
Instead of a complicated grading system, evaluating points earned, and other components of grading curve, students can either pass the class or fail the class. This saves everyone time.

2. Learning concepts still happen.
Students must still prove that they have obtained a foundation of knowledge from the class in order to pass it. Sometimes this grading system is seen as a free ride, but if there isn’t any competency in the class, there won’t be a pass authorized.

3. It takes pressure off of the student.
In a grading system, the difference between an A and a B is 1 full GPA point. In a pass fail system, there is no difference between the two grades. This takes the pressure off of students to hit certain achievements.

The Cons of a Pass Fail Grading System

1. It naturally encourages less work.
People tend to work to the expectations that have been set for them. In a pass fail grading system, many students work just hard enough to make sure they pass the class. This means they aren’t learning everything they could be learning.

2. It doesn’t prepare students for future employment.
People are graded on various shades of gray in a vocational environment. A black and white system of grading can create unreasonable expectations that the working world operates in the same manner.

3. Equality isn’t always a good thing.
In a pass fail system, student who attend class consistently and get top marks on tests get the same grade as someone who skips class frequently and meets the bare minimums. There’s no incentive to succeed.

The pass fail grading system pros and cons show that it can work with a standard grading system pretty effectively. If incorporated in an as needed way for students who struggle at specific subjects, it can support their educational needs. On its own, however, it made not make a passing grade.