Pros and Cons of Birth Control in Schools


Promoting birth control in schools, particularly to school children can offer an advantage to the U.S. A few of the positive impact include the decrease in rates of pregnancy among teens, welfare dependence, and dropouts from school. However, critics believe that this is not the solution, instead they promote abstinence. The issues concerning birth control in schools have raised many pros and cons. Here are examples of contradictory reasons regarding this matter.

List of Pros of Birth Control in Schools

1. Preventing Dropouts Due to Pregnancy.
The longer life expectancy and concerns regarding career and finances has given way to issues regarding the use of birth control. If a teenager gets pregnant, she will likely drop out of school and will delay her educational attainment. Moreover, she will earn lesser which in turn contribute less to taxation for the government. With the use of birth control, this will all be prevented.

2. Assist Teens to Have Children When Ready.
Schools must be willing to give contraception to teens so that they can have the freedom to make a choice of being sexually active while being educated regarding the potential risks of the said behavior. Also it is the obligation of the state to provide the means of protecting teenagers from the bitter reality. Thus, it’ll help them reflect regarding the right time when they will be ready financially and emotionally.

3. Role in Teen’s Transition to Sexual Maturity.
Whatever how hard parents and authorities educate teens not to engage in sexual acts, their effort just seem futile. In fact, it is just like telling a hungry lion not to eat you. Teens’ transition to sexual maturity is inevitable, so no matter what type of tactic you apply, it just can’t work on them. One effective way of taking part of this transition is to teach them the importance of protecting themselves from being pregnant.

List of Cons of Birth Control in Schools

1. Ineffective in Controlling STDs in Teens.
A few decades after the evaluation and implementation of birth control, there is still no solid evidence that supports the effectiveness of such method. Accordingly, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) continue to exist among young people. Moreover, one out of four teenage girls are reported to have STDs.

2. Does Not Promote Healthy Family Relationships.
According to research, the younger a teenage girl start to have sex, the greater is her risk to pregnancy. Additionally, the 2002 study found out that almost 50 percent of the girls who had sex under the age of 15 got pregnant. More so, distribution of these contraceptives is not able to promote a healthy family relationship, formation, and marriage.

3. Associated with Substance Abuse.
Apart from the risk of getting pregnant, there is also a risk of poor academic performance as well as substance abuse among teens. This is because it is allegedly associated with sexual activity in which it significantly affect dropout rates.

Final Thoughts

There are several other reasons on whether or not birth control is to be considered a huge factor in curbing teenage pregnancy. But perhaps it requires deeper understanding regarding the topic’s pros and cons before expressing your own views regarding the matter.