Ten Biggest Body Language Mistakes Made in Presentations


What is the most important attribute of a presentation? Is it what is being presented, how it is being presented or how the presenter is presenting himself or herself?

What you speak certainly matters but more important than that is how you speak it. The quality of your voice, the modulations, the confidence and knowledge along with all attributes of your voice will make a difference to your presentation. But more important than what you say and how you say it is how you present yourself.

The manner in which you stand, how you move, what you look at and how you look at the audience, the manner in which you move your hands and legs, whether you move too fast or too slow, if your action is being relevant to what you are saying and what message you are sending through your entire body language would play a huge role in determining whether your audience is impressed or not.

Body language is the most important element in a presentation. That is why some people excel at it despite not being experts in a given niche and why some experts having unparallel knowledge in a certain subject fail to entice an audience. When you are physically there and presenting something, nothing can be more important than your physical presence.

Body language has absolutely nothing to do with how handsome or pretty one is. It has everything to do with the physical actions, the gestures and how one is visually interacting with the audience. 10 Worst Body Language Mistakes During A Presentation is a very objective guide that sheds light on what you should not be doing on stage, never. The guide also sheds light on what you should be doing instead.

For instance, you should never cross your arms or your legs while presenting something. You should never turn your back to the audience, you should not avoid eye contact with the audience and you should certainly avoid staring at the same dark spot in the auditorium. You should not keep standing at the same place nor should you keep walking to and fro the lateral space on the stage all throughout the presentation. You should not fidget and should not make gestures that are irrelevant to what you are presenting or saying at the moment.

Explore the slideshow to hone your presentation skills vis-à-vis your body language.