Pros and Cons of Joining the Army

Armies, war veterans, and freedom fighters – these real-life heroes risk their lives so that others may live freely and peacefully. An army is...

Pros and Cons of Interest Groups

Interest groups are a critical part of our socio-political environment. They influence public policy and public opinion through their different programs, and they move...

Pros and Cons of the Insanity Defense

In 1843, a Scotsman called Daniel M'Naghten, who was a woodworker, traveled to 10 Downing Street to ambush British Prime Minister Robert Peel because...

Pros and Cons of the Industrial Revolution

Taking place from the 18th to 19th centuries, the Industrial Revolution marked a period where machines changed the way we live. It was a...

Pros and Cons of Illegal Immigration

So, what does illegal immigration basically mean? Well, it is the migration of people to a foreign country, where they are not legally eligible...

6 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

[youtube] Chris Haddon and Jason Balin, principals of Hard Money Bankers reviews the six shared characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. These characteristics are key to...

Pros and Cons of Hunting

Hunting has been an extremely hot topic of debates not only in the US, but also in other countries. As you can see, there...

Why Are So Many People Choosing Not to Vaccinate?

A Comprehensive Review of Vaccines – Part 1 of 12 What is With All These Vaccine Skeptics? Most people have a difficult time understanding why any parent...

A Closer Look at Pharmaceutical Companies

A Comprehensive Review of Vaccines: Part 2 of 12 When we go to the doctor we usually don't put too much thought into how our...

What Are the Real Risks of Not Vaccinating in the U.S.?

A Comprehensive Look at Vaccines: Part 6 of 12  What Are the Current Risks of Infectious Disease in the US? We are repeatedly told by health...

Are Vaccines Safe and Effective?

A Comprehensive Look at Vaccines: Part 5 of 12 The Most Important Question The most important question for most people is: are vaccines safe and effective?...

The Conclusive Evidence Linking Vaccines and Autism

A Comprehensive Review of Vaccines: Part 9 of 12 Vaccines and Autism The vaccine autism argument can be confusing when debating the facts, because from our...

Vaccines – The Greater Good or the Greater Greed – Conclusion

A Comprehensive Look at Vaccines: Part 12 of 12 – Conclusion We have addressed some heady information in the previous 11 parts of this article...

What Are Independent Researchers Telling Us About Vaccines?

A Comprehensive Look at Vaccines: Part 11 of 12 Independent Researchers As we learned in the first parts of this article, the clinical peer reviewed data...

Why Are We Not Hearing The Whole Story About Vaccines?

A Comprehensive Review of Vaccines — Part 10 of 12 If you've read this article starting with Part 1, you may be asking yourself: why...

Did Vaccines Eradicate Diseases in the 20th Century?

A Comprehensive Review of Vaccines: Part 8 of 12 Vaccines and Infectious Diseases If you ask most doctors about infectious diseases in the 20th century they will...

Herd Immunity, Viral Shedding and the Questionable Science Behind Vaccines

A Comprehensive Review of Vaccines: Part 7 of 12 Herd Immunity Herd immunity is a highly sensitive and extremely polarizing topic within the vaccine debate. Understandably,...

Vaccine Policy Makers and Conflicts of Interest

A Comprehensive Look At Vaccines: Part 3 of 12 Conflict of Interest – a situation in which a person has a duty to more than one...

How the CDC, FDA and WHO Lost the Trust of Vaccine...

A Comprehensive Review of Vaccines: Part 4 of 12 As a society, we put our trust in the regulatory agencies established to protect us, but...

Pros and Cons of Horse Slaughter

The slaughter of horses has been a very sensitive topic that is often the center of many debates around the world, with supporters and...