How to Build a Company Culture Like Google
Kelly Lovell, a youth mobilizer and motivational coach that devotes her time to engaging with communities and developing leadership across Canada. In...
Pros and Cons of Homework
Do schoolchildren really need homework? Do they really benefit from it? Is giving homework a waste of time? The value of homework has been...
Pros and Cons of Gun Control
US President Barack Obama is set to introduce executive actions that will try to minimize gun violence. Congress – controlled by Republicans – have...
Pros and Cons of Globalization
Globalization has become a common buzzword that people now throw it around in conversations. Many believe that it's a positive thing; after all, what...
How to Impress the Sharks on Shark Tank
Jason Lucash, founder and CEO of OrigAudio found his way on ABC's 'Shark Tank' where he received offers from each shark present. Here...
Pros and Cons of Gay Marriage
Gay marriage has become one of the most debated issues in the United States. It has become a strong subject that even presidential candidates...
Pros and Cons of Free Trade
A lot of people nowadays dream of a world where free trade is the norm, a world where economic barriers like taxes and tariffs...
The Right Way to Scale Your Business
Aaron Ross, the author of 'From Impossible to Inevitable and Predictable Revenue,' provides some invaluable advice to scaling your business. Ross himself has...
Pros and Cons of Fracking
Hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking, is the process used to obtain gas and oil from the earth's shale rock layer. It involves drilling...
Pros and Cons of Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels are utilized all over the world to power up everything, from lights to cars. Their most common forms are coal, petroleum and...
When to Fire a Client
Michelle Held of MetroNY reviews when to fire a client. In this segment, Held highlights how to identify a client relationship that is...
Pros and Cons of Foreign Aid
Giving foreign aid to developing or under-developed nations has become common among first-world countries like the United States. This isn't really surprising since extending...
Pros and Cons of Flat Organizational Structure
A flat organizational structure is used by a business that has fewer management layers, but its management team has a wider range of authority...
Pros and Cons of Fast Food
Fast food is a bad necessity for modern life. In the US, there are about 232,611 fast food stores generating approximately $191 billion in...
Get Obsessed About Winning
Jeremy Bloom, a professional athletic competitor and entrepreneur discusses how being obsessed with winning can prevent you from reaching your goals. Having a...
Pros and Cons of Eyewitness Testimony
To see is to believe. For many years, we have relied so much on our sight to validate our perception and understanding of the...
Pros and Cons of Experimental Research
Experimental research is one of the keys to unraveling the mysteries of our world, especially that of the human's capacity to create, innovate, and...
How to Hire and Retain Top Performers
Andre Lavole, the CEO of ClearCompany reviews how to grow your business by retaining top employees that can successfully serve your customer's needs....
12 Worst Charities to Donate Money To
There are many charities that do awesome work in their communities. Then there are charities which are just a funnel of money to administrators...
Pros and Cons of Euthanasia
Euthanasia or mercy killing has remained to be a contentious issue between supporters and critics of the act. It is the term for deliberate...