Pros and Cons of Biological Warfare
Biological warfare (BW) has been practiced for a long time. The Assyrians poisoned their enemies with a fungus that made them delirious in the...
Learning the Market for Your New Business
Alexis Ohanian highlights the best way to pursue opportunities in a highly diverse business environment. When undergoing any new business venture, understanding the...
Pros and Cons of Beauty Pageants
Beauty pageants have been held around the world since the 19th century. In 1920, it was started to boost the tourism sector. In the...
Pros and Cons of Asexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction is a process of reproducing without sexual intercourse or the use of two different organisms to create an offspring. Most of the...
How to Recharge Your Entrepreneurial Battery
Here is a look at some of the best ways that these top entrepreneurs recharge. Incorporating some of these strategies will help you...
Pros and Cons of Arranged Marriage
In some cultures, an arranged marriage is a long-held belief that is practiced to this day, even when the parties involved have embraced the...
Tort Reform Pros and Cons
A “tort” is an action that commits a civil wrong. Let's say a business knowingly introduces a product to their customers which can cause...
Pros and Cons of a Flat Tax
Under a flat tax system, every taxpayer pays the same percentage of their income as a tax to the government. Some say this type...
Running a Company in a Competitive Global Market
Steven Tobak highlights some important points to being a real leader and operating a company in a global competitive environment. Tobak shares some...
Pros and Cons of Fiscal Policy
What is fiscal policy? It is a term used to talk about the taxing and spending policies of a specific government at the local,...
Pros and Cons of Socialism
As Bernie Sanders has taken the 2016 Presidential campaign trail by storm in the United States, the term “socialism” has been brought up frequently...
Creating Social Media Content that Converts
Ben Angel takes some time to review how to create social media content that will attract attention and convert to customers. Angel is...
Pros and Cons of Coal Power Plants
Coal is a natural resource which has taken our planet from traveling on horses and burning wood to keep warm to having electrical power...
Pros and Cons of Arch Bridges
Among the classic architectural works that are seen throughout history are arch bridges, which were mostly inspired by architecture of the Roman Empire. Their...
How to Overcome the Fear of Failure
Zander Woodford Smith of 'Being Brilliant Everyday' reviews the four steps need to overcome the fear of failure. Also referred to as atychiphobia,...
Pros and Cons of Animal Testing On Cosmetics
Conducting animal tests for new cosmetics involves several aspects of manufacturing these products. Though there is some good news about this method, it has...
Pros and Cons of Animal Rights
Arguments on animal rights seem to be never-ending without anyone getting to a real conclusion. Though most people tend to agree on these privileges...
Pros and Cons of Animal Experimentation
In the US alone, millions of animals are used each year for commercial and scientific testing. They are used in developing medical treatments, determining...
The Key to Staying Focused as an Entrepreneur
Patrick Bet-David of Valuetainment and a Entrepreneur Network partner discusses how to maintain focused as an entrepreneur. This will undoubtedly lead you to...
Pros and Cons of Health Care Reform
In the United States, health care reform is an ongoing debate. Higher insurance premiums, higher rates for medical care, and stagnant wages have created...