Pros and Cons of Civil Disobedience

What can you do if your government is requiring you to do something you don't think is ethically or morally right? Civil disobedience is...

The Rise of Crowdsourced Content Creation

[youtube] Roger Yuen, the founder of Clozette discusses the rise of content creation in crowdsourcing. Focused on the curation and marketing of raising awareness...

A Brief Crowdfunding Guide For Beginners

Do you have an idea that has been on the back burner for awhile? With the explosion of crowdfunding, now might just be the...

How to Start a Profitable Online Business

So you’ve made the decision to start an online business – but where do you begin?  There’s a lot to know and a lot...

Pros and Cons of Eminent Domain

Eminent domain is the practice of claiming land or reclaiming it from property owners through just compensation. There must be a purpose that support...

Is College Still a Good Investment?

The High Cost of Higher Education The cost of higher education has exploded in the last few decades and many high school graduates will have to decide...

How to Make a Great First Impression

[youtube] Daymond John, the successful Shark Tank Investor discusses how to dress for success. Making a good first impression can make all the difference...

How To Respond to a Majority Ownership Investment Offer

You prepare a solid pitch and deliver it perfectly. Everyone in the room is impressed. You can tell that an offer is going to...

Pros and Cons of Multicultural Education

Many cultures focus on giving their children the best education they possibly can. Much of this education involves looking back at the history of...

Creating Crowd-Worthy Campaigns: Four Case Studies Of Success

[youtube] Bryan Kramer, the CEO of Purematter discusses the best ways of creating a successful crowdfund campaign. Presented at Crowdsourcing Week Global in 2014,...

How To Make a Great Crowdfunding Video

The quality and content of your crowdfunding video is what will set your campaign apart from all of the rest that are trying to...

Pros and Cons of Quantitative Easing

Quantitative easing is the practice of adding money to an economy in order to stimulate it. The goal of doing so is to maintain...

How Kickstarter Has Changed the Creative Industries

Since 2009, Kickstarter has become a household name due to the enormous amounts of money it has been able to raise for a wide...

Pros and Cons of Block Scheduling

Block scheduling is a method of arranging school times so that instead of having multiple periods that are different throughout the day, blocks of...

The First 3-D Printed House Is Coming

[youtube] The residential real estate industry is changing. Their new game changer is 3D printing. What would you think about designing and printing your...

Where Crowdfunding is Dominating in Europe

Crowdfunding isn't just finding a home in the United States. There are several economies in Europe that have embraced crowdfunding as a way to...

Pros and Cons of Raising the Driving Age to 18

Should the driving age be raised to 18 from the age of 16 that it currently is in many jurisdictions? It is believed that...

Crowdfunding in Russia & Evolution of the Startup Investment Climate

[youtube] Irena Dobriden, the Development Director of Planeta takes some time to provide her own presentation at Crowdsourcing Week Global 2015 to discuss crowdfunding...

What You Need to Do When Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding isn't just an easy way to make some money. The campaigns that are successful all have certain things in common with each other....

What Will The Future Economy Look Like?

Where We Are At Our economy is constantly shifting and changing but we are entering a time where the changes will be far more profound...