11 Keys to Making a Great Speech

Public speaking can be an incredibly difficult task for some people, especially if you are hesitant about delivering information in front of...

Who Invented The Bunsen Burner

One of the most common pieces of laboratory equipment today is the Bunsen burner. It is named after its inventor, Robert Bunsen, who suggested...

4 Things You Need to Know About Civic Crowdfunding

Unless you've been living off the grid for a few years, you've probably heard about crowdfunding in some way. Projects like Reading Rainbow, which...

Using Storytelling to Promote Your Startup

With the increasing popularity of entrepreneurship and starting your own business, it can sound more advantageous to work for yourself than for...

Who Invented Silly Putty

Silly putty is one of those inventions that were created entirely by accident. It's been one of the most popular toys of the 20th...

Some Niche Crowdfunding Platforms Are Out Performing Kickstarter

If you're thinking about a crowdfunding campaign, then there's a good chance that you're thinking about using Kickstarter. Why wouldn't you, after all, since...

5 Types of Business Financing Programs

Understanding how to use effective business financing strategies can help your business in a variety of different ways. Whether you are interested in growing...

When Was The Mccormick Reaper Invented

Cyrus McCormick is credited with the invention of the McCormick reaper in 1831. It was a project that his father had started when he...

How Teachers Are Using Crowdfunding

Teachers typically spend more money on their classrooms than people generally give them credit for doing. The average teacher, in fact, will spend at...

13 Interesting Equity Crowdfunding Statistics

You may be wondering how start-ups are funded and it mostly relies on the participation of individual investors. Equity crowdfunding can sometimes be seen...

Who Invented The Toilet Plunger

When the toilet with the S trap was invented, the need to be able to unclog it was also invented. There were numerous ways...

Billionaire John Paul DeJoria’s Key to Success

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAD_9saqx0M?rel=0&w=640&h=360] John Paul DeJoria shares his important lessons for success upon gaining his fortune with the companies Paul Mitchell and Patron. With their newest...

6 Ideas for Getting your Crowdfunding Campaign Funded

Crowdfunding is a very effective way for an entrepreneur to raise the money they need to create something amazing. Some ideas have landed businesses...

How to Develop a World Changing Idea

Are you not happy with the way things are? You are not alone. Believe it or not, you can change the world...

Who Invented The Bowler Hat

At one point, the Bowler hat was what defined the civil servants and bankers in London and throughout the UK. A little later on,...

How States Are Moving Faster than Federal Regulators on Equity Crowdfunding

Despite legislation that allows equity based crowdfunding from 2012, little movement has been made on a national level to change the rules of investing...

10 Ways to Increase Productivity

We live in a seriously busy world. And most of us are seriously busy because of it. However, you can be more...

Who Invented Patron Tequila

Patron Tequila is listed as the most popular kind of tequila in the United States, but it is because of its sales, not because...

Ways to Create Pre Launch Buzz

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioZt4MtOqwM?rel=0&w=640&h=360] Featured on Entrepreneur, lessons of how to create pre-launch buzz for your Kickstarter campaign are shared by Marissa Lippert of Nourish. Focused on...

SEC Requirements of Crowdfunding Campaigns

Crowdfunding is becoming a major form of fundraising for businesses of all shapes and sizes. It has made crowdfunding platforms part of the national...