Pros and Cons of Representative Democracy
A representative democracy allows people to vote for elected officials to directly represent their needs in a ruling entity. This representation can occur in...
Fixing Broken Founding Partner Relationships
Jessica Mah and Andy Su, co-founders of inDinero reviewed how their start-up caused unexpected burdens on their relationship. At an attempt to save...
Will Global Market Selloffs Effect Crowdfunding?
In Q3 2015, many global stock markets found themselves taking losses that dropped into correction territory. There were bounces and rebounds that helped to...
Pros and Cons of Magnet Schools
Magnet schools are part of the local public school district. Instead of being based on regional boundaries, these schools encourage any students within a...
The Key to Raising a Million on Kickstarter
Here is a look at some of the key highlights from CSW Global 2014. A look at how to raise a million dollars...
3 Secrets to Crowdfunding Success
It's now possible for almost every startup in every industry to find crowdfunding success. With about 2 out of every 5 campaigns succeeding, knowing...
Pros and Cons of Pesticide Use
Pesticide use has made it possible to grow better crops of consistent quality because it stops pests from creating damage. Because many pesticides are...
How Your Brand Can Leverage Crowd Intelligence
Shelley Kuipers, founder and CEO of Chaordix discusses the evolution of crowdfunding intelligence and how brands can tap into this invaluable information. Working...
6 Ways Crowdfunding Is Being Shaped Right Now
Crowdfunding growth has doubled every year for the last 5 years in a row. It has become a multi-billion dollar industry that continues to...
Pros and Cons of Protectionism
It is only natural for people to want to protect what they have. This is currently seen in Greece today as people scramble to...
10 Things You Need to Have Before Crowdfunding
Crowdfunding can help entrepreneurs get the cash they need to build a successful business opportunity. The only problem is that many entrepreneurs try to...
Pros and Cons of Activity Based Costing
Activity based costing (ABC) is an accounting method to allocate costs based on resource consumption. It is typically used when customized goods are being...
Three Vs of Election Based Crowdfunding
Nanjira Sambuli goes over some of the key components to election based crowdsourcing as listed by viability, verification, and validation. Sambuli of iHub,...
5 Entrepreneurial Traits That Every Investor Loves
Some companies can get started without any investors, but most need at least some sort of seed money at least once in their initial...
Pros and Cons of Corporal Punishment
What is corporal punishment? It is a method of discipline that inflicts a specific physical consequence when a negative action occurs. The goal is...
Is Crowdsourcing the New Cloud Computing?
Bernie Trudel from Asia Cloud Computing Association discusses how crowdsourcing is the new cloud computing. Presented during Crowdsourcing Week Global 2014, Trudel outlines...
Is Crowdfunding Better Than a Small Business Loan?
Pebble, which is a tech company based in Palo Alto, CA, has raised more than $30 million in crowdfunding for two products, proves that...
Pros and Cons of 2nd Amendment
The Second Amendment gives every American the right to keep and bear arms, as interpreted recently by the Supreme Court. This means everyone who...
Know What’s Coming for Your Business
Tony Robbins goes over the importance of timing and understanding the lifecycle of your business to make better organizational decisions. This will prove...
5 Best Places an Entrepreneur Can Meet Investors
If you know the right investor as an entrepreneur, then it becomes really easy to obtain the startup capital that you're going to need....