New Perceptions of Money Enabled by Crowds

[youtube] Epirot Ludvik Nekaj, the Founder and CEO of Crowdsourcing Week discusses the influential changes occurring throughout the banking industry thanks to crowdfunding. From...

The Surge of Female Entrepreneurs in Crowdfunding

Less than 10% of US venture-backed founding teams have included women since 2005. The same is true in the UK and other hubs of...

Pros and Cons of Popular Sovereignty

Should people be able to govern themselves in the region where they live? That's the idea of popular sovereignty. The United States in many...

Which Crowdfunding Method Should You Choose for Your Startup?

[youtube] Sally Outlaw takes some time to discuss the variety of ways that your business can be launched through crowdfunding. Depending upon the method...

How to Fund Your Business with Crowdfunding

Thanks to crowdfunding, you can launch a successful business today without angel investors, personal business experience, or even market testing. All you need is...

Pros and Cons of Mercantilism

Mercantilism is the belief in commercialism. As a theory of economics, it says that by trading with others, wealth can be generated. This stimulates...

Crowdsourcing Our Cities

[youtube] Juan Felipe Castaño, the Co-founder & COO of CÍVICO discusses how crowdsourcing is happening among the Latin America regions. CIVICO helps to bring...

Doing Something For the Planet Through Crowdfunding

In the 1996 movie Independence Day, Jeff Goldblum's character is trying to encourage others to save the planet through recycling. Doing social good has...

Pros and Cons of Dual Citizenship

Dual citizenship allows individuals to claim the benefits of being a citizen of more than one nation in the world today. This allows people...

How to Pitch Mark Cuban

[youtube] Do you really have what it takes to get a shark such as Mark Cuban to back your business? Shark Tank judge Mark...

5 Ways to Succeed with an Equity Crowdfunding Campaign

If you're ready to begin taking your business to the next level, then there's a good chance you've considered the advantages of an equity...

Pros and Cons of American Imperialism

American and imperialism might not seem like two words that go together to many, but American Imperialism has and continues to exist. From the...

Power of The Crowd Trumps Ideas in Isolation

[youtube] Wil Merritt, the CEO of Zooppa discusses how crowdfunding has expanded business opportunities on a global scale. With virtual access lending the ability...

Crowdfunding is Replacing Research and Development

If you go onto Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and virtually any other crowdfunding platform, you're going to find some amazing things. From 3D printing pancake griddles...

Pros and Cons of Strip Mining

Strip mining is a form of resource collection that involves dirt removal from a very large area to sift through it. Instead of working...

Asia Crowdfunding is Taking Off

Businesses need money. Venture capitalists are tired of high risk early stage investments. This makes crowdfunding a legitimate source for needed capital almost everywhere...

Pros and Cons of Agricultural Subsidies

Land is a finite resource in the world today. Although there are large areas of land that are unused for agricultural purposes, much of...

Get the Right Message Across With Your Body Language

[youtube] Jeff Haden from Inc. Magazine discusses how your body language is key to communicating what matters to others. Being aware of your posture...

Etsy Enters Crowdfunding

Etsy has long been the go-to home for handcrafted goods on the internet. Now this organization is adding something new to the services that...

Pros and Cons of Merit Pay for Teachers

Merit pay for teachers is one of the most difficult debates that many communities are having in regards to their educational systems. Of course...