3 Appalling Angola Poverty Rate Statistics and Facts
One of the most expensive cities in the world is part of Angola, which is Luanda. However, it is one with the highest poverty...
4 Startling Dominican Republic Literacy Rate Statistics and Facts
Due to problems in terms of education systems in the Dominican Republic, one of the most important decisions made by the government was to...
3 Sad Zaatari Refugee Camp Facts and Statistics
The Syrian Civil War is deemed as the worst humanitarian crisis of modern times, where more than 11 million people, which comprise half the...
4 Astonishing Zimbabwe Poverty Rate Statistics and Facts
In terms of education and health statistics, Zimbabwe used to be the best in Sub-Saharan Africa. The crises in the economy and politics have...
5 Shocking Algeria Literacy Rate Statistics and Facts
Algeria is a country located in the North African continent. Arabic is its official language while French has also been used for commercial transactions...
4 Appalling Modern Day Slavery Statistics and Facts
After the abolition of the transatlantic slave-trade a couple of centuries ago, a lot of people in Africa still remained to be in slave-like...
10 Stunning Nyarugusu Refugee Camp Facts and Statistics
Nyarugusu is the third largest refugee settlement in the world and was established in 1996. Located in the western province of Kigoma, in Tanzania,...
12 Moving Somalia Poverty Rate Statistics and Facts
The county of Somalia belongs to the five least developed 170 countries included in the 2012 Human Development Index list. Although two regions, Somaliland...
9 Sad Sierra Leone Civil War Child Soldiers Statistics
Sierra Leone had a decade-long civil conflict between 1991 and 2002 under the leadership of President Charles Taylor, where the Revolutionary United Front (RUF),...
23 Surprising Gihembe Refugee Camp Facts and Statistics
Rwanda is a country in Africa that is located in the region currently affected by the ongoing tensions in the eastern Democratic Republic of...
8 Startling Pet Overpopulation Statistics and Facts
Dogs and cats are two of the most well loved pets preferred by potential animal owners. However, these two kinds of pets are also...
3 Tragic Peru Poverty Rate Statistics and Facts
According to the CIA World Factbook, the overwhelming majority of the population in Peru – about 54% – live in poverty. Of that 545,...
5 Staggering Child Soldier Facts and Statistics
There is a long history of the military use of children. In the First World War, about 250,000 boys under the age of 18...
Is Community First the Solution to Homelessness in America?
The Vision:
To feed, clothe, house, and most importantly, restore dignity to homeless people through economic empowerment and by providing income opportunities.
Organization Description:
Community First is...
5 Appalling Bhutanese Refugee Camp Facts and Statistics
In the mid 1980s a special census was conducted in the south of Bhutan, the outcome of which resulted in the deportation of almost...
9 Heartbreaking Tasmanian Genocide Facts, Statistics & Timeline
Have you ever heard of the Tasmanian genocide? Well, perhaps not all are aware of the history behind this tragic event that befell the...
5 Staggering Jamaica Poverty Rate Statistics and Facts
Looking at the stunning beaches of Jamaica and its world-class resorts, you would think this island is one of the most beautiful and progressive...
Modern Day Slavery in Africa Statistics
After the abolition of the transatlantic slave-trade a couple of centuries ago, a lot of people in Africa still remained to be in slave-like...
12 Famous Humanitarians That Made a Difference
It is said that all human beings have a humanitarian side in them, whether it is volunteering for worthwhile causes or giving financial support...
6 Dire Guatemalan Genocide Facts, Statistics & Timeline
By definition, genocide is the most extreme form of racism that includes the physical destruction of an ethnic group. During the period between the...