This Week Trends
Damien Patton, the founder of Banjo reviews how his untraditional path led him to Silicon Valley. From combating homelessness, serving in the military to car racing; hear how Patton built his own startup success.
Farming is a necessary process for us to have the foods that we need to survive. It allows croplands to maximize yields so that everyone has enough to eat. For many years, the primary farming method used was to...
Crimes Against Our Children
One of the worst possible crimes that a person can commit is the sexual exploitation of children. Children are our most precious resource and they also represent our future....
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Hot Stuff Coming
Solar Energy vs Coal
In terms of energy investments, solar energy is crushing coal when it comes to development opportunities. Solar in many ways seems to be unstoppable....
Dr Charles Drew Inventions and Accomplishments
Born in 1904, Dr. Charles Drew was initially destined to be an athlete rather than a doctor. He won several medals for his talents...
Did Robert Hooke Invent The Microscope
Although Robert Hooke is often given credit for the invention of the microscope, this isn't an entirely accurate claim. Work with magnification dates back...
Hiring People with No Industry Experience is a Positive
Ben Weiss, the founder of Bai reviews how you can better protect your business from the risks associated with hiring outside people. Weiss...