Pros and Cons of Citizen Journalism

The popularity of citizen journalism has spread over the world in this day and age. In fact, more and more people have begun to...

Pros and Cons of Circumcision Surgery

Circumcision doesn’t only implicate tradition or belief. Actually, it is the oldest surgical procedure for male subjects around the world, which has pre-dated recorded...

Pros and Cons of Child Beauty Pageants

In one way or another, society has been setting the standards of what being beautiful is. Luckily today, people are more open-minded and are...

Pros and Cons of Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy has become one of the standard treatment modules for people who have cancer. The treatment often aims to kill the cancer cells and...

Pros and Cons of Chemical Castration

Not to get confused with sterilization, chemical castration does not remove any organ from the body. The method is often used to treat unwanted...

Pros and Cons of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Debt is one of the most common problems today, be it student loans, mortgages, unpaid credit card bills, and so on. Sometimes some people...

Pros and Cons of Censorship in Schools

School is an institution where you are educated, formed, and trained to become the individual you are meant to be. You will be exposed...

10 Great Employee Retention Strategies

Employers need employees. Employees need employers. It's a basic relationship that works – except when it isn't working. To keep your best employees, sometimes...

Pros and Cons of Censorship in Music

Can you imagine what it would feel like if your favorite song was suddenly banned because it was thought to be ‘dangerous’ by certain...

Pros and Cons of Cap and Trade

While it is argued whether global warming is happening or not, there is one thing that all of us agree is bad—pollution. Whether it...

Pros and Cons of Campaign Finance Reform

Campaign finance reform has been a constant topic of discussion in the US society today. While there are people who believe that the current...

Pros and Cons of Caffeine

A lot of people in the world consume caffeine in one way or another. You see, this stimulant and psychoactive drug is used as...

Pros and Cons of British Healthcare System

As you may know, the UK has one of the best examples of a universal healthcare system in the world. In fact, many healthcare...

Pros and Cons of Bottle Feeding

Not all mothers can breastfeed. And there are some who choose not to nurse for various reasons, one being they aren't comfortable with the...

Pros and Cons of Book Banning

There truly is nothing sacred when it comes to banning books. At least, according to the list of banned or challenged books for 2015...

Pros and Cons of Birth Control Shot

Women have more options these days when it comes to birth control. One of the most popular is using a condom but women can...

Pros and Cons of Birth Control Ring

A birth control ring is a small, flexible ring that a woman inserts into her vagina to prevent pregnancies. Birth control rings are a...

Pros and Cons of Birth Control Pill

Birth control pills (formally known as combined oral contraceptive pills or COCPs) are some of the most popular and most widely used contraceptive methods....

Pros and Cons of Birth Control Patch

You've probably heard of nicotine patches, which smokers use to help them manage their nicotine addiction and eventually quit smoking. Well, if you're a...

Pros and Cons of Birth Control in Schools

Promoting birth control in schools, particularly to school children can offer an advantage to the U.S. A few of the positive impact include the...