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Pros and Cons of Feeding Tubes
Nutrient deficiencies can be alleviated with the utility of feeding tubes. This medium can help patients having difficulty to swallow solid food. Thus, it...
Cryonics Pros and Cons
Can people preserve themselves when at or near death? The goal of cryonics is to create circumstances where people who are dying or have...
How to Raise $20,000
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tgla_28G-gw?controls=0&w=640&h=360]
Evan Carmichael explains how to raise $20,000 in capital for your business. He explains...
How Much Energy Does a Wind Turbine Produce
The amount of energy a wind turbine is able to produce is dependent on several...
The Most Important Management Discipline
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX912gRWaII?controls=0&w=640&h=360]
Thomas Stewart, the Executive Director for the National Center for the Middle Market discusses...
WRC Rally Cup
Who Invented the Wheel and Axle
One of the most important inventions in all of human history is the wheel and...
When Were Asthma Inhalers Invented
Inhalers have been used to deliver medication through the body for several centuries. They were...
5 Ideas That Can Make You Wealthy
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DF-pCGqO9Yc?controls=0&w=640&h=360]
Daniel Ally, a self made millionaire by the age of 24, highlights the top...
Pros and Cons of Decriminalization of Marijuana
There are certain states in the U.S. that have decriminalized marijuana with some, such as Alaska, Oregon and Colorado, have approved the legislation that...
Pros and Cons of Assisted Suicide
Last October, California Governor, Jerry Brown, signed a bill on assisted suicide and on June 9m this year, the bill take effect. This law...
Who Invented Funnel Cake
Funnel Cake is a dessert food that is often served at carnivals, fairs, feasts and other outdoor events. It is made by dropping batter...
Pros and Cons of CVT Transmission
A continuously variable transmission (CVT) is an automatic transmission in cars that uses two pulleys connected by a steel band, rather than fixed gears....
How Much Does Wind Energy Cost
When we look at the cost of wind energy, we usually look at how it affects the monthly budget of a family. In that...
Pros and Cons of ANWR Oil Drilling
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) or Arctic Refuge, located in northeastern Alaska is a approximately 20 million acres in area and is the...
Pros and Cons of Sexual Reproduction
Reproduction is important for the continuous existence of living things. Without this, the world will just become an empty space. One of the methods...