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Indiegogo Co-Founder Discusses the Beginning
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8KfnZ-3gas?rel=0&w=640&h=360]
The Co-Founder and Chief Development Officer of Indiegogo, Danae Ringelmann discusses the start of crowdfunding and current trends found among some of the...
Who Invented the Heating Pad
One of the most effective forms of pain relief for a chronic injury is heat. Ice is used within the first 48 hours to...
The Importance of Listening in a Negotiation
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fh3zN6m0DN8?rel=0&controls=0]
William Ury, a mediator and the author of 'Getting to Yes,' discusses the power...
Harley Schlanger: “Coup Plotters Use Vote Fraud to Seize Power – Don’t Give Up – It’s Not Over”
By Harley Schlanger
Following the failure of their four years of effort to remove President Trump,...
Pros and Cons of Eminent Domain
Eminent domain is the practice of claiming land or reclaiming it from property owners through...
WRC Rally Cup
7 Ways You Can Improve Business Growth Right Now
Even the hottest business startups find themselves in a stall from time to time. When...
3 Solutions to Colony Collapse Disorder
Colony Collapse Disorder is affecting bees around the world, causing colony losses of over 30%...
How to Ask for $23,000 and Get $556,000
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kror84A8J0s&w=640&h=360]
Matthew Lesko is featured in this film having successfully raised the funds he requested...
SGT Report: Biden Is Gutting The U.S. Energy Supply
SGT Report:
Joe Biden and his administration is in the process of destroying multiple U.S. energy sectors and the energy independence of our nation which...
Pros and Cons of Determinate Sentencing
When a guilty criminal is incarcerated, he or she is given a jail sentence that needs to be served. In the United States’ justice...
Pros and Cons of AP Classes
AP classes or Advanced Placement classes are under the administration of the College Board and id a curriculum that allows high school students to...
Pros and Cons of Donating Plasma
When donating plasma, your blood is drawn from you so the plasma can be removed from it. Then, your blood, sans the plasma, is...
How States Turned Nursing Homes Into ‘Slaughter Houses’ By Forcing Them to Admit Discharged...
At an April 23 press conference, Gov. Andrew Cuomo sounded indignant when a reporter asked if anyone had objected to New York’s...
Who Will Eventually Own Everything, Including You?
The vast majority of the world’s assets are owned by just two investment firms — BlackRock and the Vanguard Group. Combined, they have ownership in...
This Year’s Top SEO Tips
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v0ix_sAe1E?rel=0&controls=0&w=640&h=360]
Google is the leading search engine for the entire world wide web, which is why it is so vitally important to understand how...