8 Woeful Rohingya Refugees Facts and Statistics

There hasn’t been any huge attention given to the crisis in Myanmar highlighting the Rohingya refugees. This is a minority Muslim population in Myanmar...

What Would an Open Source Economy Look Like?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIIzogiUHFY] Marcin Jakubowski Ph.D. is the founder of Open Source Ecology, one of the leading open source hardware organizations in the world. In this...

Meet the Billionaire With a Vision to End Global Poverty

The Vision: Reduce global poverty by providing access to alternative energy sources, clean water, and proactive healthcare to billions of people around the world. Description: Manoj Bhargava...

5 Types of Modern Day Slavery

Modern day slavery, also known as contemporary slavery, generally pertains to slavery institutions that continue to exist today, with the estimated number of slaves...

9 Surprising Ethiopia Literacy Rate Statistics and Facts

One of the poorest nations in the African continent is Ethiopia. Its type of government is a federal republic, which has been an issue...

6 Unsettling Haitian Refugees Facts and Statistics

After the 2010 Haiti earthquake, which claimed tens of thousands of lives and displaced more than a million people, the country was added by...

5 Moving Tibetan Genocide Facts, Statistics & Timeline

For almost 5 decades, China has occupied Tibet, which saw over 17% of the Tibetan people killed and 6,000 monasteries destroyed. To begin with,...

7 Sweatshops in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, millions of people are working in thousands of garment factories, also known as “sweatshops”, to produce goods for export to the international...

5 Appalling Cambodia Literacy Rate Statistics and Facts

As most of us know, literacy is the basis for life-long learning that greatly helps with poverty reduction, sustainable development and democratization. Basically, it...

3 Dreadful Cambodian Refugees Facts and Statistics

In a decade from 1969 to 1979, Cambodia (Kampuchea) was torn apart by war and constant internal conflict with other countries. In 1969, US...

3 Tragic Hutus Tutsis Genocide Facts, Statistics & Timeline

Rwanda today is considered to be one of Africa’s fast-growing economies under the leadership of President Paul Kagame, who was also the leader of...

9 Unique Solutions to Overpopulation

Overpopulation happens when the number of existing human population exceeds the carrying capacity of a country or region. This undesirable condition is caused by...

10 Shocking Uganda Poverty Rate Statistics and Facts

Uganda or the Republic of Uganda is the world’s second largest population among landlocked countries, next to Ethiopia. It’s neighboring countries are South Sudan,...

6 Staggering Chechnya Genocide Facts, Statistics & Timeline

Chechnya is located in the Northern Caucasus Mountain. It has a population of more than 1 million Chechens, who speak either Chechen or Russian,...

4 Sad Puerto Rico Poverty Rate Statistics and Facts

Since 2011, Puerto Rico’s economy has stopped growing, resulting in massive debts, high unemployment rate, a declining real estate market, and poverty all around....

26 Stunning Modern Day Sweatshops Statistics and Facts

When you buy your branded clothes and shoes or sip your daily cup of coffee, do you ever stop to wonder where the materials...

7 Stunning Kazakhstan Poverty Rate Statistics and Facts

Today, Kazakhstan stands as a country that continues to face challenges despite its consistent economic growth over the past several years. Having a population...

5 Startling Armenian Genocide Facts, Statistics & Timeline

In 1915, there were about 2 million Armenians who were living in the Ottoman Empire. By the early 1920s, 1.5 million of them were...

6 Surprising Ghana Poverty Rate Statistics and Facts

Life challenges still exist in Ghana. Among the poorest socio-economic groups in the country are subsistence agricultural farmers, with most of them residing in...

6 Dreadful Overpopulation Facts and Statistics

Overpopulation occurs when the population of the world reaches an undesirable number that exceeds its carrying capacity. Its concept originated in 1798 in England...